Hroa Deep Geographic Location in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Hroa Deep

The Hroa Deep is a group of stars located in the southwestern region of the Thallis Delta Sector. It's known for its red stars, blue stars, and orange stars. The stars of the Hroa Deep include:  
  • Hroa, a smoldering red star that is the brightest and most massive of the group.
  • Nopa, a twin star system that is known for its spectacular light shows caused by the two stars orbiting each other.
  • Yje7-4, a blazing blue star that is much hotter and brighter than its companions.
  • Ps0-207, a glowing orange star that is slightly cooler and less luminous than Hroa.


  • Hroa Deep
Hroa, a smoldering red star Nopa, a twin star system Yje7-4, a blazing blue star Ps0-207, a glowing orange star


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