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City of Culture and Craft

A brief history for travellers, tourists, and traders, by Yggiro Flapdim  

The Geography of Xovarni

In the sweltering heat of the northern Unclaimed Lands, near the southern end of the larger border with the Principality of Pods, there is a mountain. It isn’t the tallest mountain - it doesn’t compare to the Horseshoe range in Pods, nor to the towering dwarven strongholds in the Frozen Wastes on the other side of Tharael - but it is still a mountain, and its name is Xova.   Running out of the south-eastern side of the Xova is a river with the same name, which opens out into a lake, also named Xova. These three Xovas are what give this city its lifeblood. Many miles away from other sources of water and shade, early settlers set up camp here after weeks of travel from the south. The almost-oasis turned out to be a sustainable area for living when they discovered fish in the lake. After setting up the beginnings of their then-town, the founders quickly established Xovarni as a centre of trade and a place for weary travellers to rest, and in some cases, to stay.   The mountain’s shade, along with the fact that the settled area is elevated on a plateau above the majority of the surrounding area, allows Xovarni to remain relatively hydrated and cool compared to the boiling area around and the inhospitable desert to the north. The views from the southeastern side of the plateau are stunning as the heat haze causes the horizon to dance during hot days.   The mountain of Xova itself is home to the [Amri Crystals], a rare and precious substance said to be the worldly offspring of Mivhor (god of craftsmen) and Ilshara (goddess of beauty and music). These crystals glow a blue hue when exposed to warm temperatures, and are used in the crafting of extremely sought-after musical instruments. It is said that they amplify and assist the most skilled performers, unlocking potential in the lucky few who get to wield an Amri instrument.  

The Wynrelli College

For well over a millennium, the Wynrelli College of Lore has stood as a shining beacon of culture in the western continent. Aspiring bards and aficionados travel from across all of Tharael to visit its exquisite paintings, stories, and songs.   The story goes that an elven storyteller known only as Wynrel travelled from the city of [Gunul], in the modern day Kingdom of Dagd (at the time the city was contested territory), travelled for nearly a year to escape war and famine with two of her close friends. Of the three, only Wynrel herself survived the journey, her friends unfortunately succumbing to sickness. Wynrel brought with her a magical circlet known as El’Kalia, which held in it the hundreds of tales she had collected during her time in Gunul, as well as the spiritual essence of her companions.   Wynrel spend the next months and years transcribing the stories into books and selling them to the Xovarni people as well as to travelling merchants. She eventually became successful enough as both an orator and a writer to fund the formation of the Wynrelli College of Lore, where she would oversee its growth into the world-renowned producer of virtuosos we all know it as today. After four hundred years, Wynrel passed away, but not before placing her own essence in El’Kalia where she could be with her long-lost friends once more.   The College these days is the epitome of culture in the Unclaimed Lands, and seeks to honour Wynrel’s memory by continuing to tell tales to all those who would hear them. The travelling bards produced by this college inspire thousands around the western continent to take up the quill or the lute, and bring joy and hope to those who need it.


  • Xovarni, City of Culture and Craft
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