
The first of all the gods, Gulsa alone knows the fate of all lives, mortal and immortal, connected to Thaumara. She planted the dream of the world in Breksta's head and helped Daith to shape that dream into reality. She is the one who named the other gods and explained thier purpose. After the birth of Voun, she has not mingled with the Waking Gods. Instead she watches from afar, working to make sure that Fate happens as is ordained.   Gulsa's followers tend to be fatalistic as they believe thier death is preordained. It will happen when it must, and they can do nothing to change this. In the end, this idea tends to make them rather chearful, for they do not fear death like others do.   Gulsa's symbol is the web of a spider, representing the web of fate she watches.   Alignment: Neutral Portfolio: Fate, Knowledge, Luck


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