
The Youngest of the Waking Gods, Voun is the son of Mors and Miranda. He also created the goblinoid races, and the orcs, as well as other evil creatures on Thaumara.   Voun was destined to bring evil into the word, and to set free the Nightmare Gods. This fact made the other gods shun him. As the Waking Gods created the mortal races, Voun took some and twisted them into new shapes. He is the god of corruption, creeping evil, and hate. Even so, he did fight against the Nightmare Gods in the Dream War, and his creations violently oppose the Nighmare Gods whenever they can.   Voun's followers are evil, and try to find ways to undermine the work of the other Waking Gods, all while violently fighting against the Nightmare Gods as well.   Voun's symbol is a stylized eye.   Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Death, War, Fate


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