Hevonen Tribes

The centaurs of the Karkea island live in small nomadic tribes that travel the island. Together they are known as the Hevonen tribes. They elect a chief to lead all of the tribes, and to represent Hevonen interests in the outside world. The Hevonen were largly untouched by The Nightmare War, though they did assist in the final invaision of Easlath. For the most part, the centaurs simply want to be left along.   The Hevonen are the only people on Thaumara who do not believe in the Waking Gods, but instead they believe in the spirits of the sun and the moons, as well as animals, plants and everything else. Most other Thaumaran cultures just assume that the Hevonen faith is thier own way to pay hommage to the Waking Gods.   Thier crest shows a centaur on a blue and gold sheild, with a sun rising over it. Thier motto, in common, reads: "Honor above all."

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Geopolitical, Tribe
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Gift economy
Neighboring Nations

Articles under Hevonen Tribes


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