Waking Gods

The Waking Gods are the true gods of Thaumara, the ones who created the world, and who work to maintain it. They are also the ones who defeated the The Nightmare Gods in the Dreaming War.  


Known as the Goddess of Fate, the Weaver, the Architect of Creation, Gulsa was the first of the Waking Gods. It was she who told Breksta and Daith how to create the world.
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Fate, Knowledge, Luck


The Goddess of Dreams, often called simply The Dreamer, with prompting from Gulsa, it was Breksta who created Thaumara in her dreams. She rules over the Dreaming.
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Portfolio: Dreams, Knowledge, Twilight


The god of order and creation, Daith took the dreams of Breksta and gave them form in the materium. He watches over all the gods.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Order, Life, Peace


God of the Sun, Orvis was one of the first gods to walk Thaumara after Breksta and Daith created the world. He is consort to Thauma, and father to Aled, Dela, Hasimal, Pwence, and with Tarimal, Quinzix.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Light, Life, War


Thauma is the goddess of earth, but she is more than that. She is the literal spirit of Thaumara itself. She sustains all life in the world. She is consort to Daith and with him the mother of Aled, Dela, Hasimal, and Pwence.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Nature, Life, Peace


God of magic and the moons, Tarimal is gender fluid, changing to what every gender they feel is appropriate for the situation. They are parent to Miranda, Shessen, and Dovor with The Horned One, and Quinzix with Orvis.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Arcane, Twilight, Knowledge

The Horned One

God of beasts, The Horned One has no true name. Like Tarimal, they are gender fluid, picking whatever gender they feel appropriate. With Tarimal, they are the parent of Miranda, Shessen, and Dovor. With Mors they are the parent of Voun.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Nature, Life, War


Twin brother to Dela, Aled is the god of life. He ensures that the mortal creatures can continue to breed, and along with his mother, Thauma, sustains life. Many prey to him as a god of the harvest, or other such life sustaining moments.
Aligntment: Neutral
Portfolio: Life, Nature, Peace


The Twin sister of Aled Dela is the goddess of death. She ensures that all mortal creatures die, for in time all mortals must die to make way for new mortals. That cycle is simply part of the world. With Hasimal she is the mother of Mors.
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Grave, Order, Twilight


The Lord of Dragons, Dovor, along with Miranda, created the true dragons of Thaumara. Dovor was also the first to take up arms against the Nightmare Gods.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Dragons, War, Order

Shessen (Nin-Kilim)

An amorphus diety, Shessen is the god of luck and trickery. Most often, they take a female aspect, but gender is just one concept they chose not to pinned down by. She is the one who, along with The Horned One, created the Naratosk, who call her (as they see her as a female goddess) Nin-Kilim.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Luck, Trickery, Knowledge


The Lady of Dragons, Miranda is also the goddess of storms. Along with Dovor, she created the true dragons of Thaumara.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Dragons, Tempest, Nature


The Lord of the Forge, Hasamil is also a potent warrior. He is twin to Pwense, and the creator of the Dwarven race.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Forge, War, Order


The Tinker God, Quinzix is also the creator of the gnomes. He is the child of Daith and Tarimal. Few, outside the gnomes, worship him.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Clockwork, Arcane, Order


Where Dela ensures that mortals die, Mors protects the land of the dead where mortal souls go after death. He is also a stern, but fair judge of the souls who come before him. Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Death, Grave, Order


Twin to Hasimal, Pwence is the god of Art in general, but most see them as the god of wordsmithing. Where Hasimal focuses on crafted physical objects, Pwence prefers ideas and concepts. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Wordsmithing, Knowledge, Nature


The final god of the Waking gods to be born, Voun an outcast from the other Waking Gods. When he was born, Gulsa told him he would unleash the greatest threat to Thauma. The other Waking gods shunned him for this. Due to that, he is often called The Exile. This exclusion caused him to become bitter with hate. While he opposes the will of the Waking Gods, he also fights against the Nightmare Gods. He is the god of creeping evil, corruption and hatred.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Death, War, Fate

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