
An ever changing god, Tarimal has no set gender, choosing whatever gender they feel is appropriate at the time. They are parent to Miranda, Shessen, Dovor and Quinzix.   Tarimal is the god of the moons, all three. Strangely, like Orvis and Thauma, they are also the spirits of the three moons, dwelling in the spirit realm. These spirits seem to each be a separate entity, and yet they are the same as well. Along with the moons, Tarimal is the god of magic. They are the ones who brought it into the world, and who guard its most potent secrets.   Traimal's followers can be hard for others to handle, as they tend to be somewhat changeable and random. A number choose to be fluid with their expressions of gender and identity.   Tarimal's symbol is three interlocking crescent moons, one red, one blue, and one dark.   Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Arcane, Twilight, Knowledge


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