The Gwareth

Formed by Yllnor after The Sundering, the Gwareth is charged with watching over the places where the borders between realms is thin enough for creatures to pass through. The Gwareth also tracks down outsiders and removes them from the material world, either by relocation or death. Though Yllnor is no longer, The Gwareth continue thier vigil, protecting Thaumara. Though they fought in The Nightmare War, they continued their vigil at the border spots to ensure nothing on the other side made use of the war to slip through.   Though initially an elven organization, The Gwareth will take anyone who is capable and wants to serve. They in particular look for young rangers who may want to train as horizon walkers. Thier crest is a bronze sheild with the head of a large black watchdog. Their motto, in common, reads: "Ever Watchful." The current Cundo is a gnome by the name of Inaza Rumaplor. He is quite a capable fighter and has the loyalty of his men.
Cundo Inaza Rumaplor
Military Order


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