Colcen Runefall

Crown Prince Colcen Arudre Runefall (a.k.a. Col)

The Crown Prince of Apsaloosa. Colcen was a man who stepped up to the responsibility of the crown with his head bowed and his ears open. As the son of Great King Arudre, the people had high hopes for the future of their country. It made his disappearance all the more devastating.   Now, the prince lives on in the memory and the prayers of the people. Most belive he's still alive, or at least they hope and pray that he is, that he'll return one day triumphant over whatever has befallen him.


With being such a public figure since birth, Colcen has developed a public life and a Private life of sorts, though all aspects of him are well loved. Despite his few flaws, the people love him and there's little he can do about that.

Public life


Ever since he was young, Colcen has been an incredibly kind person. As a child he would spend his weekends and evening with his father, reaching out to the coomunities less fortunate with a smile and soft eyes. He'd never been one to shrink away from the undesireable, instead embracing them even when Eslev really wished he wouldn't.


Knowing what to say and how to say it is a necessary skill for any leader to have, but Colcen seemed naturally gifted in the area. The Prince stepped into the political scene with such ease and grace that it left many nobles dumbfounded with how to respond. Beyond that, colcen treated everyone with incredible respect, regardless of the discuse or aw from his peers.

Private life

While much of who he was everyone in the kingdom knew, there were a few aspects that he kept to himself and his family--or at least he tried too.


The Prince had a keen eye for detail. Very little slipped past him in lessons, on walks, and in general day-to-day life. It annoyed Viera incredibly, but she also deeply admired the skill. He had a good mind for stratagy and took to a wide range of studies incredibly quickly. He was always quick to pick up on details and birng them up again later, for good or for bad.


Despite everything, Colcen could be incredibly secretive. It would take a keen eye to notice, but the Prince rarely said anything of concequence in conversations. He seemed to have mastered the art of dancing arounda topic and turning the conversation to another without anyone noticeing. This played into his skill as a good politician, but to anyone a little more suspicious and a little more knowing, having a prince that can lie to your face and you be non the wiser is a little concerning. It makes you wonder what else he could be hidding...


The Prince was a handsom boy, with tidy chocolate brown curls and intelligent dark eyes. He looked much like his mother, actually, with his sharp jawline and pointed, straight nose.   Having been trained in horeback riding and sword fighting since a young age and maintaining a relativly active lifestyle, Colcen has hard packed, firm muscle all over. He's slim, but very clearly strong when not buried under too many garments.

The Clothes He Wore

Being a prince meant Colcen had a reputation to uphold, and with that came expectations on the clothing he would wear. He often dressed in embossed tunics in the family colors, navy blue, gold, and a rich purple. While around the castle, he dressed well, yet practically. A simple shirt, sturdy, good quality boots, brushed back hair held with a simple circlet to denote rank. While on offial princely duties, he dressed to his rank, matching his father wherever possible.   It goes without saying that, no matter what he wore, Prince Colen always looked impeccable.


Eslev Laark

The Crown Prince's Elda Guard, his bestfriend, his brother. The pair were unseperable and not only because Eslev would rather gnaw his own arm off then let the Prince leave his protection. Eslev was assigned to the Prince young, but he showed great promis as a protector and he took to the role with a trembling ferocity. Soon, they became so entwinded with eachother that many forgot they weren't somehow related or possibly even involved with eachother.   Right up until the Prince's disappearance, that is. Since that night, Eslev spends almost every moment away from the castle, searching for his prince. He only returns to report when absolutly necessesary. Despire the rest of the royal family having lost a beloved member of their family and the people having lost their crown prince, most think Eslev lost the most when Colcen vanished.


King Arudre

Arudre was a very good king and father, and Colcen looked up to his father greatly. The pair spent many an afternoon together, Colcen learning all the skills he'll one day need when he becomes King. When the King died, his loss affected Colcen greatly. Not only did he loose a loving father, but now the weight of the kingdom rested on his shoulders.

Queen Layrawen

While the King was hands on and intensly loving, Colcen's mother has always been aloof. Their relationship was often strained. In her determination to teach Colcen the less "fun" aspects of ruling and corraling him and his sister into their required duties, colcen began to resent her. After the Kings death, this chasm between them only grew.

Princess Viera

To Viera, Colcen was the light of the sun, coolness of a breeze, the security of a well manned ship on the sea, magestic and wonderful. In return, Colcen loved and protected his sister, his little shadow. In their youth, Viera followed colcen around as much as possible, hanging on his every word. It was annoying, but Colcen handled it with grace and poise, only after being told to by his father, however. Once their father passed, Colcen stepped up and protected Viera from the world. he spent more time with her, though he seemed to dissapear into his own mind all at the same time.


Current Status
dark hazel with long eyelashes and an open shape
Chocolate brown, slightly curly but kept tightly trimmed around the ears.

What Happened?

His dissapearance was so sudden, so shocking, and has so little actual fact surrounding it that people don't know what to think. The Prince's room was found empty, bed rumpled, door locked, windows open in the middle of winter but with no way down. There was no blood, nothing missing from his room, not even his boots or a cloak. Everything pointed to him being kidnapped.   And yet, as the hours stretched to days wich then stretched to weeks, there was no call for a ransom, no information gleaned on his possible whearabouts. No tracks in the snow, no smoke in the sky. Nothing. Eventually, the Crown had to declare him dead, but it didn't stop patrols of soldiers venturing out day after day in the search. And when those ceased and Eslav continued regardless.   No one wants to belive the Prince would run away, but him being dead is an even worse thought. after all these months, the quesitons still remains--what happened to the prince?  
The Truth
Colcen had always been an interesting boy, riddled with secrets and smiles. He saw the world differently than most, as piece of a puzzle to be gently slotted into place. He'd discovered young that he could manipulate things with more than just his words. He had magic, a gentle sort that seemed to make people like him, that guided him towards the best things and move the bad out of the way. It did what he wanted in small ways, and he never felt the need to disclose more than that.   After his fathers death, Colcen buckled under the weight dropped on his shoulders. He did the best he could for his sister and mother, but internally he was splintered and unsure. In the end, it became too much. The weight unlocked somehting terrible in him--or at least that's what he thought that night. The power the spilled glowing from his mouth and hands terrified him. He couldn't bear the fear His family would undoubtably look at him with if they ever found out. In that moment, the animal fear drove his power, so helpful and so good up till now, to take him far away where the fear would have no place. And so the Prince vanished without a trace, without boots and coat, leaving no tracks and needing no horse. Not even a note.   Where his magic took him is still unknown. there are far too many charismatic young men with beautiful powers and dangerous secrets to try and find him.


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