Scurpakis Mountains

The Scurpakis mountains are a range of mountains in the region of Awaoka within West Azuno north of the Bleeding Grasslands. The Scurpakis are characterized by their sheer cliffs and jagged peaks that seem to pierce the sky. The valleys between the mountains are arid and inhospitable for most creatures and remain mostly uninhabited by anything other than giants. However, the mountains meet the sea, these cliffs feature many coves that have been turned into small secret pirate harbors, sometimes with obscure paths leading into and up the mountains where pirate crews have hidden away their treasures and stolen goods.

Cruel Climate

The climate in this region is predominantly dry and harsh. The winds high in the mountains are unpredictable and strong and can sweep even the strongest climber off the mountainside. One of the greatest dangers lies in the quick shifts in weather that can happen within these mountains, with dangerous conditions arising quickly and without much notice. There are massive temperature fluctations, especially between the day and night as it is extremely warm during the day but dramatically cooler at night. The little rain that falls in the mountains contributes to the inhospitable conditions in the valleys and there is a lack of potable water apart from what can be drunk from a handful of ponds, lakes and springs although the proximity to the sea brings in moist, salty air, which can cause sudden foggy conditions in the lower mountain areas and coves to the east. If rain does fall, it is typically a heavy that can often lead to sudden, violent flash floods in certain valleys, or massive landslides in other places.

Dangerous Denizens

Countless harpies thrive between the rocky crags and hidden valleys. Their haunting songs and screeches echo through the valleys to sound the alarm whenever unwanted visitors visit their territory. By itself, the harpies of the Scurpakis do not form a great danger, however their alarm might attract the attantion of giants. As numerous giant tribes call the valleys between these mountains their home and have carved their dwellings in the very stone of the mountains. The giants of Scurpakis are ancient folk who have lived there for eons and are highly protective and aggressive towards invaders. Explorers who have managed to evade the attention of giants, still have to keep an eye on the sky. High above, clinging to the precarious cliffs, are many nests of wyverns and other smaller winged draconic creatures that may be on the hunt for an easy meal in the mountains. Aside from these lesser draconic creatures, there are also caves and hoards of greater and elder chromatic dragons that are not to be underestimated in both power and cunning.
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