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Session 6: Jailhouse Rock in Lathleer Report

General Summary

This session report was written by therealdoenahareth and edited by lawsofgodsandmen.   Doenahareth In Jail   After hours of being chained to a chair in a dimly lit cell with a human-sized cage, the session begins with Doenahareth being interrogated by the guard, a rougher male, and a “sweeter” and “kinder” female. The guard tries to convince Doe that they are safe and is being held in the jailhouse for their own good.   During the interrogation, the guard mentions that Doe doesn’t seem to know Alain really well, and Doe admits that they don’t and had really only known Alain for three days. The guard feigns pity on Doe and tells them it’s okay to say that Alain forced them to kill the guardsmen. Doe is extremely adamant about the fact that Alain would never kill someone, or send someone to kill the guard. They continually try to share that there was a gnome who killed him, and in a panic forget to give any sort of important information about her. The guard continues to gaslight Doe and they start to believe maybe Alain actually did send someone to kill the guard.   Towards the end of the interrogation, the guard asks Doe if they believe Alain will come for them. They admit that they “don’t think they’re that important.” After this, the female guard coos that they are. As the prison guard is leaving Doe alone, Doe asks if the injured guard made it to a healer. They are struck with the news that the person they tried to heal is dead.     The Rowdy Boy Savior Squad   Alain and Zero find Quintus at The Spider. Zero approaches Quintus and explains that Doe got arrested for killing a guard, which Alain quickly corrects and shares that Doe tried to heal a guard who was injured in the process of someone who was hired by them to get Doe. Quintus is immediately triggered and the three plan together to break Doe out of jail. Millicent gives Alain traditional Thrane religious garb to hide his dragon mark for the mission.   The plan to break Doe out of jail is as follows:
  1. Learn to speak telepathically
  2. Find Doe
  3. Break Doe Out of Jail
The plan was… extremely not thought out but it would have to do. The group left late in the night to not be seen. Once at the Jailhouse, Alain used a minor illusion to make a distraction for the guard, and Quintus used the immovable rod to climb over the wall guarding the building Zero was told to stay behind. The original plan was to kill the guards, but Alain insisted that the party try to be as peaceful as possible for Doe's mental health considering what had gotten them arrested in the first place.     (back to) Doe in the Jailhouse   Doenahareth chooses to meditate, accepting that no one will come for them and they will be in jail forever. During this meditation, Hareth attempts to comfort them with a dream of them and their girlfriend, Rush. Doe is able to reflect on the happier moments of their life: running around with Rush, picking flowers, showing off their monk training. Sadly, a loud scream yanks Doe out of the peaceful dream.     The Rowdy Boy Savior Squad   Doe was woken up by a minor illusion Quintus made of a scream to distract the guard. Alain and Quintus make it inside, and after a failed attempt of trying to pierce the guard with a [mind arrow?], they pretend that they are just visiting the jailhouse. Multiple failed illusions and lies later, Quintus and Alain end up trapping the guard in jail cells and finding Doe. Alain attempts to teleport away with Doe, but there is resistance.   Doe shared with Alain what happened and that the guard was trying to accuse him and his house of murder and that “everything is wrong.” Alain begs Doe to leave and asks if Doe trusts him. Doe says that they’re not sure, but goes with him anyway. The group successfully makes it back to the Spider’s Web.     The Spider’s Web   The group tries their best to cheer up Doe, but they’re a bit grouchy from everything that happened. Rather than indulging in food, they decide they’re not hungry and start to grill Alain on what happened through mind link. Alain shares everything that happened and promises Doe that he didn’t know the gnome was going to kill the guard. “I’m sorry, for what it’s worth.”   Doe sighs at Alain’s apology and shares that they harbor another being in their body. They then share that they don’t care what happens to them, but they care what happens to Hareth, the other half to DoenaHareth. Alain apologizes to Hareth as well. After that tense interaction, Millicent shares that the group will have a long day and should rest up.
The Acquisition Chronicles (TAC)
Report Date
21 Dec 2021

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