
The city of Felcloria is called the center of the world not for its geographic position, but for its immense size that would leave even the most seasoned traveler breathless. Once a small human kingdom resting on the hilltops on the edge of the Bosky Woods, the city now sprawls in every direction—even upwards to the sky. Much of the growth has come over the past century; it was only 104 years ago that the king and his mages were murdered in a bloody coup by the magic guilds known as the Slaughter of the Twin-Eclipse. The magic guilds—Adestvor, Soldin, and Zyashban—created a new country dubbed the Arcanocracy of Felcloria. Ruled my mages elected from their respective guilds (called Arbiters), this system caused Felcloria to become a flourishing bastion of new and exciting magic. No longer was noble birth a factor in the accessibility of magical knowledge, however, the severing of ties between nobility and magic came at a price. Religion and cults were always faux pas amongst humans, but several other races practiced openly under the old monarchy. That was until the king’s head was split in two at the steps of the Citadel of Eyes. Now, after a hundred years, little remains of any religion or superstition, and no new ones are likely to sprout up under the watchful eyes of the Reavers—deadly blood magic mercenaries employed to do the mage guild’s dirty work.  

Districts in Felcloria:

   The Triad: Location of the main guildhalls for the three magic guilds, and also the Nonagon, the figurative central building in which official meetings of Arbiters and other officials take place. Suspended in the air about 200ft. above the Bracommeric district.
Skyforge District: Adjunct to the Triad, and also suspended above the Bracommeric, the Skyforge is home to many rich and powerful mages who have created shops, libraries, universities, and service the upper echelon of Felcloria.
Bracommeric: The largest district by population and a primarily residential area located partially underneath the Skyforge and Triad. Many locally-owned shops, as well as large, middle-class guild stores, can be found here. Some parts of the Bracommeric tend to fall into the lower economic classes as you near The Gaunt.
Upper Arboretum: The largest district in terms of land, the Upper Arboretum houses farms and machinery both arcane and mundane to help feed the millions of citizens in the city. Primarily Halfling, many folks find honest work here.
Gilded District: Opposite the Arboretum on the southeast side of the city, the gilded district contains all the shops, guilds, and entertainment that any individual could ever need. Many less prominent guild owners make their home here, and with a scenic view of the Duruum plains, who could blame them? Also the location of the Citadel of Eyes, which has been converted into a historical museum.
Telestic Square: With the frequency of teleportation to and from the city, this district serves as a primary hub for teleportation and many other government services. The City’s barracks for the automaton guards is also located here.
Lower Arboretum: Entirely underground, right below the Upper Arboretum, this district got trampled in the city’s growth, with the city being built right on top. Its saving grace is the access to the river, but the perpetual dark turns most people off. Thus, smuggling and crime are rampant here, but the rest of the city doesn’t seem to mind as long as they can’t see it. Almost as large as the Bracommeric but far less appealing, some individuals born here may never see the light of day. Also the location of the Reavers Guildhall.
The Gaunt: Half-above and half-below ground, The Gaunt is connected to the Lower Arboretum by tunnels that few can find their way through. Its part in the sun is built into a shallow valley that was partially carved out by arcane means. Its highlights include floods, fights, and fear, caused by its lowland and low profile. It received its moniker from the stilts many of the rickety tenements are built on, although an occasional brownish-stone structure will break up the monotony.


64% Human, 12% Halfling, 11% Half-Elf, 12% Other
Founding Date
401 PV
Alternative Name(s)
The Flying City
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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