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The Union


As the rest of Marsétan expanded in the centuries following the split, mass housing for the temporary workers and manual laborer's of the area was required. Much of this housing development focused on the area now known as The Union. This led to a concentration of poor housing, a lack of infrastructure, and a broad exploited class of people. In response the residents pursued self-governance and a stronger base for pushing back on the employment practices of the other districts. With a foundation of co-operatives and unions, and eventually the establishment of an autonomous government, the Union has been responsible for codifying and enforcing labour practices across the city. By the 4th century things were looking up for the Union, until the The Unification War led to the ravaging of the district and the annexation of its northern territory by the nascent Asdraeck.   These days the Union has once again fallen on hard times. However through grit, determination, and its indispensable position as a manufacturing powerhouse it has clung on to relevancy in the political landscape. Key partnerships have also positioned the union as the primary site of small-scale experiments with the mundane, magical, and alchemical.   Much of the district is covered with three to six story warehouses. Inside one can find everything from apartments, to department stores, to factories. Often these old buildings are covered with delicate stonework, square columns, faux balconies, gargoyles and rooftop gardens. Mixed in-between are small single-family houses and industrial parks. its too major landmarks include the Centre for Experimental Magics and the Union Tower. For more on the governance of the district consult The Union Collective

Landmarks and People

Jimmy Spice (they/them). Union lawyer and representative of the Union on the Marsétan High Council.   Aventura Durruti (he/him). Spokesperson of the Afinidad. The Centre for Experimental Magics A large industrial park located on the northeastern edge of the city. From warded laboratories to rooms with simulated geographies and environmental conditions the Centre for Experimental Magics is where many key advancements have been made over the previous centuries. Most notable the centre claims partial credit for the creation of the The Spellweave that prevents erosion along the edges of Ristarca.   The Union Tower A large stone tower stretches out from the factories below and contains a many of the districts government offices as well as a large semi-independent observatory at the top.


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