
a species born from enigmatic origins and defined by their unique existence. Comprised entirely of mutated human hands, their genesis remains shrouded in mystery, the remnants of a humanoid species serving as the foundation of their bizarre form. The enigmatic The Cult of the Phalanges  initiated their isolation in the galaxy's outer reaches, driven by an unwavering devotion to their deity, The Finger King. Through intensive genetic engineering, they remade themselves in the image of their divine ruler, forsaking advanced technology for a primitive way of life. Architecture, technology, and culture intertwine with the motif of hands and fingers, both conceptually and physically, as they navigate their distinct path within a galaxy astounded by their bewildering existence.    
May his touch be felt upon your Knuckles As his embraces warms your palm
    May the divine touch of The Finger King grace your knuckles, bestowing warmth upon your palm and guiding your path. In his embrace, may you find strength, dexterity, and the wisdom of the Phalangi. Let his presence instill in you the essence of their unique culture and ignite the spirit of unity and purpose that binds their species together.  

Technology and style

Nearly all technology and construction of the Phalangi is crafted to resemble hands.  


Basic Information

Biological Traits

Other Phalangi:


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