The Supreme Editors of The Holy Digit

Worshipping the The Finger King, The phalangi spread their influence like tendrils. Their immense influence in the fields of genetics and biochemistry ensure them a seat at every major powers table in the galaxy. Food, Famine, Influence, and war profit the theological machine that is the Phalangi species.


The Phalangi geopolitical structure is broken into 5 fingers.  

The Index

The Index is the ruling class of the Phalangi. They include the Pointer and their ilk. They handle the primary intergalactic political endeavors of the government.     

The Middle

The Middle is the military finger of the Phalangi, Handling all of the war efforts and military interests of the government. The Middle is led by Dexterous Flexor, The Knuckle of the Middle Finger.  

The Ring

The Ring are the religious finger of the Phalangi. They advise the Index and handle all matters related to their efforts hand in hand with The Cult of the Phalanges.    

The Pinky

The Pinky Is the trading and economic wing of the Phalangi. They handle trade, regulations and commerce.    

The Thumb

The Thumb is the Law enforcement finger of the phalangi. They ensure that all who live under the rule of the phalangi, adhere to the rule of thumb.


The Supreme Editors are known to be Xenophobic and generally authoritarian. They believe you all work in service of the hand, and to do otherwise is to dishonor the Finger King.

He who points the finger, Leads the way.

Geopolitical, Theocracy
Leader Title
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

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