Nu-Gua WegMonalds Settlement in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Nu-Gua WegMonalds

A refurbished space station orbiting the planet Nu-Gua, in the Sycia system. Not as prestigious or well-trafficked as its size and presentation may suggest, but its hardworking staff manage to keep it in decent enough condition.


Occasional ISC patrols.


As with most WegMonalds installations, the station is primarily geared towards service, but it has limited refining facilities on the lower levels.


After purchasing the underlying structure from Nu-Gua's Diasporan inhabitants, the ISC refurbished it to take advantage of the booming salvage industry... which immediately dried up, leaving only a trickle of interstellar traders.
Market Type
Abundance of manufactured goods. High demand for raw materials, processed materials and basic components. Class 0 Assets commonplace, all Class 1s readily available.

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