Session 19: Mall Crawl, part 1 Report in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Session 19: Mall Crawl, part 1

General Summary

The crew assembles their teams, chooses their targets, and begins Operation: Mall Crawl. Part one features tech shopping, stocking the galley, picking heat to pack, and a brief break to chat strategy before the most daunting challenge of all... fashion.   [PREFACE: A CHAT WITH MAGIC VOICE]
[PREFACE: MAGIC LESSONS]   [SESSION LOG]   Bej gets deep into books - and vice versa. Parker fires up a dedicated server. Parsnip definitely knows which end the laser comes out of.

Rewards Granted

  • Spare parts & extra drives
  • The Media Brick
  • Sex Minecraft (and 8 VR Sets)
  • Basic VR pack-in games
  • A copy of 1001 Culinary Disasters to Try in Someone Else's Home
  • Many assorted foodstuffs
  • Two (2) "Vector Compressor" Beam Cutter Multitools

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Report Date
03 Mar 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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