Session 14: Breaking the Blockade, part 1 Report in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Session 14: Breaking the Blockade, part 1

General Summary

After a relaxing (and/or vigorous) night at the Six Legged Doctor, the crew picks up a new friend and sets out for adventure. What's in this mysterious message bound for the lone vanguard blockading Sycia 7? What wisdom can be found in the grunting of Blister's lackey? Just what is the true nature of Necroplasma? Get ready for all that and a pair of claspers!   [SESSION LOG]   Bej faces the slab and emerges victorious. Parker has a heart to heart with the heart of the Hedron. Parsnip makes a friendly phone call.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Repaired cargo loading robot, now designated "Nightmare Slab."
  • Settled WegMonalds repair bills.

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content


"Conclusions so far."Parsnip is yet in her lab, finishing her notes. She's writing in large, bound notebook, speaking aloud to herself as she does. "Necroplasma is ... well, it's not fire. It looks of fire, and to be sure, there is a great heat to it. But trying to view the substance as a fire possessed of voidal properties was, perhaps, the wrong approach, and doomed to failure from the outset. This is not fire. This is void, and shadow, and it is ... not life, but neither is it the inversion of life, because that would be purely annihilative. It is as the complex number to life, the inversion of inversion, a corruptive and parasitic that feeds to sustain and converts what it touches all at once. It can be snuffed out once it catches, but not readily, and contact with the center of one's own life will consume all in a flash."   "The most fascinating thing, I think, is that this seems to function similarly to magical evocation, but it calls upon Void as an evocative source, rather than Aether. Even as a fire evocation is aether bringing forth fire, and hellfire is hell bringing forth fire, devoid of aether, necroplasma seems to be shadow and invert life, tinged with just enough fire to shape, brought forth by void itself. It is fascinating. I've never seen the like, and I am not certain I can quite replicate it on my own."   "Hmm. Posit. Necroplasma may be quickened by void, but it is a joint evocation of shadow, invert life, and fire. As such, it should function similar to comparable evocations quickened by aether. However, due to the need for banal void to quicken, it must ... be cast as a layering of two evocations? One to produce the void needed, and one that this void is fed into, eliciting the required response. Logically, this may work? It ought work. It's never been done, to my knowledge, but I do find myself breaking new ground with every moment. It is certainly worth trying, at any rate."
Parsnip sits in the front of the Shuttlebug, as we fly our way up to the WegMonalds, and sits with her eyes closed dictating to Parker. She is trying to remember what she will need for the task she has in mind. It has been ... a very, very long time since she attempted this, but she made quite a study of it at the time.   "Please take this note, and refer it to our friend Shades when you are able: I have prepared my order of mined materials, for delivery as it is able to be filled when we return from our mission. I shall need approximately one quarter-pound of high-purity aluminium, silver, or chromium. I shall further need one quarter-pound of pure gold, one-half pound of refined copper, and one pound of good steel alloyed with manganese at approximately ect percect. These may be as casting grain or ingots, it matters not, but I cannot use ore.   Further, I require a variety of gemstones of precise size and type. Some of these, I may replace one sort with another if unavailable, but others there can be no substitution. These gems need not be cut, polished, faceted, may be purely in the raw if that is what we have, but they must be of extreme clarity or they are useless to me. To wit:  
  • A pink or red ruby, three to four inches in length, and at least one inch across, as to be formed into a rod.
  • A citrine, a zircon, or a hessonite, roughly one half-inch in diameter.
  • A peridot, a fluorite, or a green fluorspar, roughly one half-inch in diameter
  • A goshenite, a white diamond, or an acroite, roughly one half-inch in diameter.
  • A kyanite, a blue corundum, or a blue beryl, roughly one half-inch in diameter.
  • An iolite, a smoky quartz, or a grey spinel, roughly one half-inch in diameter.
  • A schorl, a black diamond, or a black spinel, roughly one half-inch in diameter.
  • An apatite, a sodalite, or an blue topaz, roughly one half-inch in diameter.
  • An amethyst, a padparadscha, or a kunzite, roughly one half-inch in diameter.
  • A rubellite, a red garnet, or a red spinel, roughly one half-inch in diameter.
  • A moonlight topaz, a kornerupine, or a good color-shifting chrysoberyl, roughly one half-inch in diameter
  • A true alexandrite, with full color variance, roughly one half-inch in diameter.
Please respond as you are able with availability and costs involved. I hope you will not disappoint. Thank you.   Dictated, but not read, Metric Parsnip Pasternak."
Report Date
28 Jan 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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