Sinkhole Settlement in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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A Diasporan settlement on the planet Nu-Gua, built into a massive piece of excavation equipment originally dropped from orbit. Run-down but far from a ghost town, its residents mine ore to trade with the ISC for food and other supplies.


Underneath the settlement is a piece of deep-crust mining equipment dropped from the Argos. Without upkeep, most of the machine has ceased functioning, and what remains is used to extract Amyrite.

Natural Resources

The eponymous sinkhole at the bottom of the shaft leads into underground aquifers teeming with native cavefish, which the inhabitants catch for additional food. The vegetation surrounding Sinkhole was purchased from the ISC; it is gene-locked and will not grow, germinate, or produce edible product.
Market Type
Simple goods available, mostly Class 0 goods with a few Class 1s. Cargo types limited to natural resources, food, and hand-made items.
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Owning Organization
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