Session 18: Beach Interlude Report in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Session 18: Beach Interlude

General Summary

After a bit of tampering in god's domain, the crew settles in for the long drive back to Nu-Gua to turn in their spoils. If only there was somewhere they could get away to... some kind of... zone. Containing a beach. Thusly relaxed, they proceed to conclude their business in a straightforward and professional manner without anyone taking their pants off.   [PREFACE: A CHAT WITH PERSEPHONE]
[SESSION LOG]   Bej conquers Slab 2: The Sequel to Slab. Parker cools off at the beach... and heats up the stage. Parsnip is sentenced to a grim fate: relaxation.

Rewards Granted

  • Amyrite Ore (Class 2 Cargo)
  • Assorted gemstones in a metal briefcase
  • Generous tips courtesy of the patrons of the Six Legged Doctor
  • Tank's Crew (Class 1 Gang; Mechanics)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Delivered the Galliot's seed bank to the people of Sinkhole!

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
24 Feb 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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