Session 22: Welcome To The Virtual Zone Report in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Session 22: Welcome To The Virtual Zone

General Summary

With the latest in adjustable head strap technology, the Hedron crew blasts off into cyberspace! After a disastrous tutorial sequence (albeit wildly entertaining for everyone but Parsnip's left foot), they plunge into the depths of the finest entertainment product ever produced by galactic society: SexCraft.   Will there be sex? Will there be crafting? Will there be both, somehow? The answer will absolutely not surprise you!   [SESSION LOG]   Bej learns to keysmash. Parker throws themself upon the enemy's tender mercies. Parsnip helps make a blanket.

Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Play Catch! [SUCCESS]
  • Defeat the Crab! [SUCCESS]
  • Subdue the Gimbo! [FAILED]
  • Brave the Depths of Snakefuck Cavern! [FAILED]

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
24 Mar 2020
Primary Location

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