Shravani Species in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Former desert nomads, the Shravani have been saddled with a grim reputation following the disastrous colonization project that left the bulk of their people stranded throughout the sector.

Basic Information


Shravani are tall, lanky, and possess two pairs of upper limbs. Their skin ranges from pale yellow to deep orange.

Ecology and Habitats

As a nomadic people, and one adapted to a particularly hostile climate, Shravani are capable of lasting a lot longer in much worse conditions than most other species. In particular, they require very little water and are extremely resistant to changes in temperature.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous; a Shravani will eat whatever is available, though they prefer vegetation.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The survivors of the Shravanas II project are scattered all across the sector, most congregating in small insular pockets.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All Shravani are psychic to some degree, though for most these abilities do not manifest externally. Choose either Clairvoyance or Precognition from the Psychic career.

Civilization and Culture


As one of the founding species of the Capellan Federation (grandfathered in as prior conquests of the Empire), the Shravani made up a significant portion of the new organization's voting bloc. After defeating several controversial bills regarding amendments to restricted weapon types and the rules of engagement, their homeworld of Shravanas underwent a sudden and mysterious ecological collapse. Prevented from direct interference by the First Accord, the Federation instead offered to relocate the population to the new colony world of Shravanas II. This proved disastrous when the bulk of the fleet suffered mysterious cascading drive failures that sent them on Wild Jumps throughout the sector. In the decades since, many of the displaced colonists have taken up (or been unjustly accused of) space piracy, preying on sparsely defended trade routes outside Federation space - all the more reason for others to join for protection, of course.
Known Individuals
Conservation Status
Shravani are numerous throughout the Amaranthine Sector, but with the ecological collapse of Shravanas they no longer have a true homeworld.
Average Height
Average Weight

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