The Capellan Federation Organization in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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The Capellan Federation

A shining beacon of order in a lawless galaxy; a towering exemplar to all those who would strive; a haven for commerce and the peaceful exchange of ideas. If you want to be part of something greater, the Capellan Federation extends its welcome to you!


The Federation is governed by a council of representatives, each chosen by their respective member state, and a president elected by the members of the council.   Councillors are responsible for introducing, advocating for, and voting on bills during legislative sessions of the Federation Council. Each Councillor is allocated a number of votes per session based on demography (typically member state population versus the population of the Federation, modified by Presidential favor or through punitive action), and is free to allocate those as best suits their interests. Bills must obtain a majority during session to pass, but may be workshopped and resubmitted should they fail.   The President is responsible for, in abstract, providing the Federation with a clear vision for the future, inspiring the masses with their leadership, and offering a strong - but gentle - guiding hand. Materially, the President's duty is to sign bills passed by the Federation Council into law. The President has no official veto power, but if a bill is not signed by the next legislative session, it is automatically resubmitted for voting. Bills thusly rejected tend not to earn a second majority.

Public Agenda

To unite the disparate cultures of the galaxy in safety and security, that they may work together without sacrificing their right to pursue their own interests.


The Federation is the single most populous organization in the Amaranthine Sector, boasting many dozens of fully developed systems throughout the Sanguine Tower region. They also have the second-largest standing navy in the sector, edged out only by the craven undead of the Golden Fleet - though the Federation's ability to project their force is indisputable.


Originally known as the Capellan Blood Empire, the organization underwent a period of reckoning with its grim past and ultimately decided to abdicate the Skull Throne. With their vassals thus grandfathered in as full member states, the first act of the new Federation Council was to pen the First Accord, which would form their moral center and guide them for over a century. Their second act was to elect former Emperor Jraxik the Wise as Federation President, to continue carrying out his vision for a more democratic future.

Demography and Population

Unsurprisingly, capellans make up the greatest slice of the Capellan Federation's population, especially in the Amaranthine Sector. Very few member states are represented this far from the core, with most non-capellan citizens being free individuals or refugees from other organizations.


The Federal Navy is made up of small groups, or flights, of immensely powerful vessels; a single Federation ship is generally considered the equal of a full wing of heavy escorts, due in no small part to their highly advanced weaponry and defensive systems. With their increased speed, afforded by the Federation's unique dual-Stardrive design, a flight can also cover a surprising amount of space, and respond to incidents in their assigned areas within hours.

Technological Level

The Federation is the only power in the sector to make use of matter/antimatter reactors, which provide the massive amounts of power needed for their various advanced technologies. The safety and reliability of these reactors is in "ongoing review."

Foreign Relations

The Federation maintains close ties with the Interstellar Consortium for the purpose of external commerce, which is undertaken directly by representatives of the Federation Council.
Political, Federation
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Economic System
Post-scarcity economy
Citizens of the Federation are provided with all of their basic needs, so that they may work to better themselves, and have no need of outside currency.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members

Neutrality of Convenience

Not everyone has achieved a perfect post-scarcity economy, and the Consortium is a convenient middleman where the Federation is otherwise economically unable to tread.

Cold War

A long-standing stalemate, punctuated by the occasional skirmish, vanished colony, or "police action."


Decentralized rabble versus jackbooted censors.

Ongoing Aggression

Not officially at war, but certainly not at peace. Rowdy neighbors, one of whom takes it a lot more personally.


Both groups find the other ideologically repugnant, but the Federation considers converting the Diaspora to be a "long-term project."

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