BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Ancestor Isles


The motivation behind building The Ancestor Isles

My motivation for building The Ancestor Isles is to provide a familiar yet unique escape for myself in addition to sharing that very feeling through stories for others to enjoy.

The goal of the project

First and foremost, I hope to get self fulfillment out of creating this world. It isn't often as an adult, at least in my experience, to feel that rush of achieving a large goal outside of things such as real life work promotions, etc. And I hope to give a fun, enjoyable, and addicting experience to my future audience.

The Ancestor Isles's Unique Selling point

The core of my ideas are that I want to put a unique, semi-original twist on my world. ex. altering typical fantasy races such as Dwarves and making them familiar but new and fresh.



Medieval Fantasy with realistic, real world influences. The real world equivalent for my world is the high middle ages. Secondary themes include ancient, tribal and may include darker themes.