The Central Council

The Central Council governs the unified realm of 13 kingdoms, with representatives from each kingdom and led by a High Queen who oversees national interests and serves as a symbolic figurehead. The Council manages collective matters such as defense, foreign affairs, and trade, using majority votes for decisions, with the High Queen casting tie-breaking votes when needed.


Head of the Central Council

The High Queen serves as the presiding officer of the Central Council, responsible for setting the agenda, facilitating discussions, and overseeing decision-making processes. She plays a pivotal role in representing the collective interests of the 13 kingdoms in both domestic and international matters. As the unifying figurehead, her actions have a significant impact on the unity and stability of the united kingdom In the event of tied votes within the Central Council, the High Queen holds the authority to cast a tie-breaking vote. This role provides her with significant influence in decision-making, particularly in situations where consensus cannot be reached among the Kings and Queens. Over time, the High Queen has successfully centralized power, making her position akin to a monarch with significant authority. This has eroded the intended democratic and elected nature of her role, leading to concerns about tyranny.

Kings & Queen of The 13 Kingdoms

These monarchs represent each of the 13 united kingdoms within the Central Council. They are hereditary rulers who lead their individual realms. They are responsible for articulating the interests, needs, and concerns of their individual realms within the Central Council. The monarchs contribute resources, including financial support and troops, to common endeavors, such as national defense and collaborative infrastructure projects. These contributions help fund the operations of the Central Council and promote the collective well-being of the united kingdoms.   The Kings and Queens actively participate in Council meetings, discussions, and debates. They engage in decision-making processes, providing input and perspectives on policies, laws, and matters of mutual interest. While advocating for their own kingdoms' interests, they must also consider the broader needs of the united kingdoms, promoting a sense of unity and cooperation.   The Kings and Queens play a critical role in the decision-making processes of the Central Council. They are the main voices representing the unique cultural, economic, and political aspects of their respective kingdoms. While the High Queen serves as the presiding officer, the collective input of the Kings and Queens contributes to the Council's consensus-based decision-making. In cases where consensus cannot be reached, the High Queen may cast a tie-breaking vote.

Public Agenda

The Central Council of The 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia as a whole is focused on fostering unity and cooperation among the member kingdoms while addressing common interests and challenges. Key priorities include enhancing national defense, negotiating trade agreements, and formulating policies that benefit all realms collectively. The Council aims to balance the diverse needs and concerns of each kingdom, ensuring equitable resource distribution and collaborative infrastructure projects. By promoting shared goals and mutual support, the Central Council strives to maintain stability and prosperity across the united kingdoms.

"Unita in Diversitate, Fortitudo in Coniunctione"

Founding Date
Spiritum 24, 2135
Government, Leadership
Alternative Names
The Council, The Grand Council, The High Table
Leader Title
Related Species


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