
Before the creation of the 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia, kingdoms like Bellum, Archangeli, Spetentrionalis, and Amor all had their own separate currency as they were all completely separate nations. However after the creation of the 13 Kingdoms that was no longer the case, so a new official currency for the collective empire needed to be created. This currency is collectively known as "Timor," by the people of the 13 Kingdoms. It consists of three coins and each one bears the images and symbols of the three leaders of the revolution, who later became High Rulers of Majjia.

The Coins

Ember: Ember is a medium-sized gold coin. On the obverse side of the coin, there is an image of a majestic unicorn. Just below the unicorn, the Latin inscription "Notitum dabit Virtatem" is elegantly engraved. This phrase means "Knowledge will give strength." On the reverse side of the Ember coin, there is an image of a cat, with the Latin words "Quae capit superesse" written just below. This phrase translates to "What seizes survives."   Twilight: Twilight is approximately the same size as an Ember but is a silver coin. The obverse side of the Twilight coin features a powerful dragon, and beneath the dragon, the Latin inscription "Semper in nomine sanguinem effuderit beli dascique" is inscribed. This phrase signifies "Always in the name of bloodshed and battle." The reverse side of the Twilight coin is identical to the Ember coin, featuring the image of a cat with the Latin inscription "Quae capit superesse."   Spirit: Spirit is the smallest coin in the Timor currency and is made of copper. The obverse side of the Spirit coin bears an image of a raven. Below the raven, the Latin words "Visum est et memoria mors" are engraved, meaning "It seemed like death and memory." Similar to the Ember and Twilight coins, the reverse side of the Spirit coin features the image of a cat with the Latin inscription "Quae capit superesse."   Conversion Rates
7 Twilights = 1 Ember
14 Spirits = 1 Twilight
98 Spirits = 1 Ember
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Owning Organization
Ember: 15.55 grams, Twilight: 8.44 grams, Spirit: 3.05 grams
Twilight & Ember: 24.26x1.75 mm, Spirit: 17.91x1.35 mm


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