The 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia

The 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia stands as Majjia's largest and youngest nation with a rich history based in the Magical Revolution. A revolution that saw an end to the Kingdom of Bellum's global dominance as an independent nation.


The United Kingdoms of Majjia is a collective of 13 kingdoms all run by the same central government, The Council of Majjia. Each kingdom also has a Localized Governance ruled by the rightful monarch of the kingdoms known as The Kingdom Council.   Provinces:
Each kingdom is subdivided into provinces or regions, each of which is typically governed by a noble family or individual chosen by the kingdom council. The role of provinces includes:
  • Local Governance: Provinces handle local governance matters, including infrastructure development, land management, and public services.
  • Economic Activity: They oversee economic activities within their jurisdiction, such as agriculture, trade, and industry.
  • Resource Management: Provinces manage the allocation and utilization of local resources, ensuring the well-being of their communities.
Regions or territories outside of the provinces are typically administered by elected Royal Governors. The role of these territories includes:
  • Elected Leadership: Royal Governors are elected by the residents of these territories, which may include areas that are less populated or more remote.
  • Local Administration: They are responsible for the day-to-day governance and provision of public services in their regions.
  • Reporting to Monarch: Royal Governors report to the monarch of the kingdom but may also be accountable to the Central Council for certain matters.

Public Agenda

The Public Agenda of the 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia focuses on advancing the well-being and prosperity of its citizens through a coordinated approach across legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Key priorities include enhancing public safety, fostering economic growth, and ensuring equitable access to services across the kingdoms. The agenda emphasizes transparency, citizen engagement, and the efficient implementation of laws and policies to support the kingdom’s stability and progress.


The assets of the 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia encompass a diverse range of resources crucial for maintaining the stability and prosperity of the realm. These include valuable natural resources such as minerals and fertile lands, extensive infrastructure like roads and royal buildings, and the unique cultural heritage embodied in historical sites and artifacts. Additionally, the kingdoms possess financial assets in the form of the Timor currency and investments in economic ventures that support the kingdom’s growth and development.


The military in The 13 United Kingdoms is a well-structured and disciplined force responsible for safeguarding the kingdom's security, maintaining law and order, and defending against external threats. It consists of various branches, each with specific roles and responsibilities. Here's a more detailed overview of the Majjian military:   Army
The Majjian Army is the largest and most diverse branch of the military. It is responsible for ground-based operations, including land defense, territorial integrity, and supporting law enforcement during times of civil unrest. The Army is organized into divisions, each with a specialized focus, such as infantry, cavalry, and artillery.   Navy
The Majjian Navy is responsible for protecting the kingdom's maritime interests, including coastal defense and naval operations. It operates a fleet of ships, including frigates, destroyers, and submarines, to maintain control over the kingdom's coastal waters and international trade routes.   Air Force
The Majjian Air Force is tasked with aerial defense, air superiority, and strategic air operations. It operates a variety of aircraft, including fighter jets, transport planes, and reconnaissance aircraft, to secure the kingdom's airspace and support ground forces.   Coast Guard
The Coast Guard plays a critical role in coastal and maritime security. It is responsible for search and rescue operations, maritime law enforcement, and ensuring the safety of shipping and fishing activities along the kingdom's extensive coastline.   National Guard
The National Guard is a reserve force that can be activated during emergencies, natural disasters, or civil unrest. Its primary role is to assist and support local authorities in maintaining law and order.   Paramilitary Units
The 13 United Kingdoms also has paramilitary units responsible for border control and security in remote regions. These units play a vital role in securing the kingdom's borders and ensuring the rule of law in less accessible areas.   Training and Education
Military personnel in The 13 United Kingdoms receive extensive training in various fields, including combat tactics, weaponry, intelligence, and leadership. The kingdom's military academies and training institutions are renowned for producing skilled and disciplined soldiers.   National Service
Majjian citizens are required to undergo a period of national service, which includes military training. This helps ensure a reserve of trained personnel in case of emergencies.   Modernization and Technology
The Majjian military has embraced modernization and technological advancements. It utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and technology to maintain its readiness and effectiveness.   International Collaborations
The 13 United Kingdoms collaborates with neighboring kingdoms and international partners on matters of mutual security and defense. These collaborations often involve joint exercises and information sharing.

Leaders of The Military

The leaders of the Majjian military play a crucial role in overseeing the kingdom's defense, strategy, and the execution of military operations. These leaders hold positions of authority and responsibility within their respective branches, contributing to the overall security and effectiveness of the military. Here are some details about the key leaders within the Majjian military:   Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces
The Supreme Commander is the highest-ranking military officer in The 13 United Kingdoms. This position is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the efforts of all military branches, ensuring effective defense and response to threats. The Supreme Commander provides strategic guidance to the kingdom's armed forces and reports directly to the High Queen.   Chiefs of the Army, Navy, and Air Force
Each branch of the military has its own Chief who holds the highest rank within that branch. These Chiefs are responsible for the overall leadership, organization, and readiness of their respective branches. They oversee training, equipment, and deployment of personnel.   Director of the Coast Guard
The Director of the Coast Guard is responsible for coastal defense, maritime law enforcement, and search and rescue operations along Septentrionalis's coastline. This leader ensures the safety and security of the kingdom's maritime interests.   Leaders of Paramilitary Units
Leaders of paramilitary units oversee border security and law enforcement in remote regions. They are responsible for maintaining control and enforcing the rule of law in areas that are less accessible.   National Guard Commanders
National Guard Commanders are responsible for coordinating and leading the National Guard during times of emergencies, civil unrest, or natural disasters. They work closely with local authorities to maintain order and security.   Military Academies and Training Center
The heads of military academies and training centers play a crucial role in shaping the next generation of military leaders. They oversee the training and education of military personnel, ensuring they are well-prepared for their roles.   Commanding Officers
Within each branch, there are commanding officers at various levels, including division commanders, squadron leaders, and ship captains. These officers are responsible for specific units and operations, ensuring their readiness and effectiveness.

Technological Level

The 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia are renowned for their advanced technological and scientific capabilities. The kingdom excels in beacon technology, utilizing large energy towers powered by magical runes to generate electricity. This method provides a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional power plants, eliminating the ecological damage associated with coal and oil. The nation's technological progress extends across various fields, integrating cutting-edge advancements in energy, communication, and infrastructure. This commitment to innovation supports the kingdom's economic and scientific development while maintaining environmental responsibility.


The higher education system in the 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia is divided into three distinct streams: Magical Education, Combat Training, and Traditional Academia. Each stream caters to different career paths and personal aspirations, reflecting the diverse needs and values of the kingdom.


The 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia boasts a well-developed infrastructure system, featuring an extensive and well-maintained road network that connects urban centers, towns, and rural areas. The roadways support various transportation modes, including horse-drawn carriages and automobiles, with major railways facilitating inter-kingdom travel. The kingdom prioritizes advanced utilities, investing in modern sewage systems and water purification plants to ensure high standards of sanitation and public health. Urban areas are equipped with comprehensive infrastructure and public services, while efforts are made to extend these benefits to rural regions. Future plans include expanding and upgrading infrastructure with smart technologies and sustainable practices.

"Unita in Diversitate, Fortitudo in Coniunctione"

Law Enforcement

The law enforcement system in the 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia is organized into four main bodies: the Royal Enforcement Agency (R.E.A), Local Enforcement Bureau (L.E.B), Provincial Security Force (P.S.F), and Urban Security Division (U.S.D).

Royal Enforcement Agency (R.E.A)

The Royal Enforcement Agency serves as the primary law enforcement body at the kingdom level within the 13 united kingdoms. This agency is responsible for upholding kingdom-wide laws, protecting royal assets and dignitaries, maintaining order in the capital city, and overseeing significant law enforcement operations across the kingdom.

Local Enforcement Bureau (L.E.B)

The Local Enforcement Bureau serves as the primary law enforcement agency at the local level within the 13 united kingdoms. These departments are responsible for maintaining public safety, enforcing local ordinances, investigating crimes, and providing assistance and support to residents within their respective jurisdictions.

Provincial Security Force (P.S.F)

The Provincial Security Force serves as the primary law enforcement agency at the regional or provincial level within the 13 united kingdoms. These agencies have jurisdiction over a broader geographical area compared to local police departments and are responsible for enforcing laws, maintaining public order, and providing support to local law enforcement agencies within their respective regions.

Urban Security Division (U.S.D)

The Urban Security Division (USD) is the primary law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining public safety, enforcing laws, and ensuring order in cities, towns, and villages within the United Kingdoms of Majjia. The USD operates with a high level of autonomy while coordinating closely with both local and higher governmental bodies to ensure comprehensive security and law enforcement across urban areas.
Founding Date
Spiritum 24, 2135
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Majjia, The 13 Kingdoms, UKM
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
The official currency of the 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia is called "Timor," reflecting the unity of the newly formed empire. The currency comprises three coins: Ember (gold), Twilight (silver), and Spirit (copper), each adorned with symbolic imagery and Latin inscriptions related to the revolution's leaders. The conversion rates are set such that 7 Twilights equal 1 Ember, 14 Spirits equal 1 Twilight, and 98 Spirits equal 1 Ember.
Legislative Body
The legislative body of the 13 United Kingdoms of Majjia is a bicameral system consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate is composed of appointed members who provide regional representation and review legislation, while the House of Representatives is elected by the populace to draft and propose new laws. Together, they collaborate to create and amend laws, ensuring representation and balancing regional interests.
Judicial Body
The judicial system of the 13 United Kingdoms is a hierarchical structure with local, regional, and central courts handling different levels of cases. Local courts address minor issues, regional courts manage more complex matters, and the central or supreme court ensures consistency in interpreting and applying kingdom-wide laws. Judges at all levels are expected to uphold impartiality and adhere to established legal procedures.
Executive Body
The executive body is headed by the Monarch, who exercises ceremonial duties and has limited political power, while day-to-day governance is managed by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. The Prime Minister is appointed by the legislative body and is responsible for implementing laws, managing government departments, and setting national policy. The Cabinet, comprised of ministers in charge of various departments, assists in the administration of government functions and policy execution.
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