Elven Peoples

The great eld race of the Ehlovanni has splintered since the Firstwars. Those Ehlovanni who abandoned the Shaitan retreated to their ancestral homes in the forests or threw in their lot with Mankind and the other Named Races. The Elves of today are descended from the Ehlovanni, a the first elven race that served the Titans and followed their descent into depravity and madness. There are no Ehlovanni [High Elves] remaining on the Mortal Coil.

The remnants are the Shaelovanni, the Shadowelves, who are so called as they are a shadow of their former selves. They reside in the civilizations of mankind and have lost much of their old ways. The Sylvanni are the forest-folk who fled the fall of the Titans and Ehlovanni to return to their older ways. The Sylvanni reside in elven fastnesses in the wilderness and clutch to the dwindling remnants of their Ehlovanni magics. Both Shaelovanni and Ehlovanni are shaking off the fear and paralysis of the past in the determination to once again reclaim their eminence.

Basic Information

Biological Traits


All Elven Peoples are long-lived compared to Mankind. The Shaelovanni live approximately 200-300 years although there are several individuals who have surpassed 400 years although this is rare. The Sylvanni, more attuned to their natural ways, are believed to live an average 400-500 years.

The Ehlovanni, although none are now known, are often spoken of as having lifetimes that span over a millenia.


The Ehlovanni are described as standing well over six feet tall. This characteristic is still prevalent amongst the Shaelovanni who stand, on average, taller than the Sylvanni but few approach that ancient heritage.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Few individuals of elven-blood can manifest facial hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

When the Elven Peoples splintered, the Shaelovanni took up the lives and attitudes of Mankind. They have spent millenia working alongside Mankind or attempting to forge a hybrid path. As such, they can be found in nearly any climate and society. They are most comfortable in civilized settings and settlements. Tolerance and acceptance of their kind varies from culture to culture.

The Sylvanni stick to a more isolationist path; hewing to the wilderness in almost every instance. Their settlements, while grand and sometimes breathtaking, are nearly always closed to outsiders and hidden away in the wilds.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All branches of Elvenkind have increased sensory perception in vision and auditory acuity. These capabilities have diminished somewhat in the Shaelovanni while the Sylvanni have managed to retain much of their unique heritage and gifts.

Twilight Vision

All descendants of the Ehlovanni possess enhanced sight under the stars and moon. This allows them to see further under natural light in an outdoor setting. The light of torches and fires may also assist in this regard but it is known that this enhanced vision is not present when elvenkin are underground or within an enclosure. It only functions on the surface and outdoors.

Civilization and Culture

Common Etiquette Rules

Shaelovanni follow the forms of etiquette common amongst their adopted culture. The Sylvanni range from tribal to an older courtly style.

Shaelovanni (200-300yrs), Sylvanni (400-500yrs)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

In Western Aneloria, almost all Elven Peoples have skin tones ranging from pale to tanned depending on their activities. The Sylvanni maintain the original look of the old Ehlovanni while cosmetics and adornment vary from community to community. There are tribes of Sylvanni that are known to appear in painted faces, primal tattooing and scarring while wearing animal furs and leathers. While other Sylvani, such as those of Caemaranth are more refined and elegant in appearance. It is woodland kingdoms such as Caemaranth that evoke the awe and wonder of other Named races with an ethereal nobility.

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