Sadella the Skulk

Street Captain | Dock Lords

Sadella (a.k.a. the Skulk)

SADELLA is a rough-looking Shaelovanni cutthroat who works with the Dock Lords in Heraldsport. She is believed to be above the crew bosses as Brion Three-Penny is known to report to her and hand over percentages of ill-gotten goods. SADELLA is also called the SKULK although, so far, no one has enlightened our Companions as to its actual origin.

SADELLA wears tight-fitting, well-kept clothes that are constantly stained and streaked with the everpresent pitch and muck of DOCKSWARD. This seems to be to her liking as she rarely appears in clothes lacking the 'telltales' of the DOCKSWARD. Regardless, her clothing is intermingled with leather pieces that appear to be decorative but are likely all too functional. She prefers a rapier in her scabbard and the blade always hanging at her side is of excellent construction and material--even her hiding it in a scuffed over and nicked wooden scabbard doesn't hide that.
Current Location
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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