
The Low Power of Varema is the patron of small animals, household and children's pets. She is often prayed to by children to watch over their pets or assist in finding lost animals. A candle in the window or on the doorstep with a small bit of food is often an offering to Varema to help guide a family pet home when they are lost. Prayers to Varema are simple and usually taught by mothers to their children. Even those fathers who learned the prayers from their mother often hold these moments to be special between a mother and a child by not teaching their own prayers. Many families have individual prayers that have been passed down for generations and are known only to those kin.

Most theologians consider Varema a Lesser Aspect or Servitor of Khalerial in her role as Champion of the Low. The transfer of prayers, low rites and traditions from mother to child (boy or girl) is emblematic of Khalerial's focus on the female gender and the protection of small lives.

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

There is known written dogma regarding Varema but there is an abundance of family prayers and childhood rhymes that invoke her or spell out her do's and don'ts. These are often taught to a child when they first take responsibility for a small animal.

Tenets of Faith

It is unknown if Varema has any clergy or recognized rituals. Symbols vary from place to place and family to family. She is often worshipped through small votive offerings and prayers in times of need. Occasionally, one may find a small shrine to Varema in a random location outside of a village or along a road. These shrines are often tended to by the children who own pets in the hopes that their beloved friends will never be lost. It is not uncommon to find a small burial plot for household pets near such shrines.
Divine Classification
Unknown, Power


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