
The Hand Upon The Golden Throat | Traitor Cities

Cast your eye leagues upon leagues to the south and then the east, that brilliant azure banner you see is the Throat of Gold--the narrow entry from the Eastern Seas and the watery barrier between us and the southern continent, SHALMERE. There perched over the Throat like a rapist lie the Traitor Cities, so named as they refused to come to our aid during the Taking. The citadel-metropolis of VHYKORA seduces from a distance as only great wealth and conspiracy can... The Traitor Cities hold sway over the Throat through which must pass all trade with the Eastern Oceans and the Scarlet Empire among many, many others. From every pocket that passes by, the Traitors do lighten their load to enrich themselves.

Aye, they are cosmopolitan--so sophisticated and affluent--but their hearts and hands failed them and us when needed most.


Both of the TRAITOR CITIES are oligarchic institutions with aristocracy and monarchies that are of use only on holidays and funerals.
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Castle on the Sea by Y Seul Jeon


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