Halfling Pantheon Clerical Orisons

A spellcaster learns a number of 0 level spells equal to 1d4 plus his or her relevant ability bonus while in training and can learn additional orisons any time a trainer is available. A spell caster may cast a number of 0 level spells per day equal to his or her level plus ability bonus (Wisdom for Clerics and related classes). Since these spells take such a short amount of time to cast (due to their abbreviated verbal and somatic components), a character may cast one and take another action in the round at the same time. 0 level spells do not have to be prepared in advance, unlike more powerful magics. Orisons typically have a range of 10 feet and a duration of instantaneous.   Call to Worship: This orison mentally notifies patrons of the cleric's church (within one mile per level) that services are beginning. The orison does not provide an actual compulsion to come.   Cure Minor Wounds: Heals one hit point.   Kintar's Guidance: The cleric grants +1 to any subject’s next attack roll.   Meal Blessing: The cleric says this short prayer before a meal to give the diners a blessing. Anyone who eats the meal within twenty minutes heals 1 hit point. The meal must be normally prepared and obtained in a way that the deity permits.   Gwinthia's Predict Weather: The cleric may predict the weather up to 24 hours in advance.   Fidelis's Curse: Inflicts -1 to the subject’s next saving throw.