Arcana Level Detector

The arcana level detector is used to determine a caster's arcana level. It is a machine that works as a scale and was designed by Thriol Orvath, who got fatigued way too quickly. Casters who fail to keep an eye on their arcana level tend to faint or lose control and cause massive damage. Most people fear this happening and a lot of local towns and villages tend to ban arcane casting to ensure no damage is done.  
Have you ever felt like you were using too much arcana? Well, do I have the tech for you! Equipped with advanced technology, you can now see your arcana level and how much arcana you have left. You can either have it as a foot scale or a wristband.
— Thriol about her device


Thriol discovered the technology and tested it on multiple casters. With each new test, Thriol improved upon it, upgrading it from a hand scale to a foot scale, and eventually a wristband watch.


While the original scale tested the arcana level, the upgraded version can detect that as well as how much arcana the caster has left. By stepping onto the scale, a holographic screen flashes a dull blue as two bars begin to fill the screen. The first bar at the top registers the caster's level, slowly changing color the longer it gets, with the higher caster being purple and the lower caster a pale green. The bottom bar reveals how much arcana the caster has left.


Everyone has access to the technological device as long as they have the funds to buy it. It is illegal to force someone to use it without their consent or a court order. And one must be of adult age to purchase the device -- though, adult age can vary depending on species.

Social Impact

The arrival of the technology greatly improved people's lives. They no longer had to worry about the potential destruction of property, requiring less weight on people's minds. As the popularity of the tech became too much for Thriol to keep up to date, she designed a smaller model to act as a watch.

Table of Contents

Thriol Orvath

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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