Armored Soul Division

When the Federation Alliance was founded, so was the Armored Soul Division, a military group meant to defend the public from unwanted theats. They work as a space navy, traveling from one planet to the next, keeping an eye on the dangers surrounding them.


Training Cadet Ensign Lieutenant Commander Captain Admiral Fleet Admiral

  The colors of the uniforms worn by those enlisted determine their rank (listed below).  
A trainee is learning the ropes. They are taught by Ensigns or Lieutentants, depending on who is available. Their color scheme is blue, gold, and silver, and can be determined by the badge on either shoulder.
Cadets are freshly graduated trainees. For a year, they shadow an assigned ensign, who shows them how to handle real-life missions. Their color scheme is red, gold, and silver, and can be determined by the badge on either shoulder.
Ensigns are fully trained officers in the fleet. They take orders from those above them, and are seen as the gruntmen of the crew. They can also teach at the academy if assigned. Their color scheme is purple, orange, gold, and silver, and can be determined by the badge on either shoulder.
Lieutenants are above ensigns, capable of giving out orders and teach trainees at the academy if assigned.Their color scheme is purple, striped orange, gold, and silver, and can be determined by the badge on either shoulder.
Commanders are highly qualified and can lead their own crew on smaller expeditions. They can be an assistant to the Captain. Their color scheme is purple, gold, and silver, and can be determined by the badge on either shoulder.
The captain always commands a crew; they tend to run an entire ship. Their color scheme is purple, gold, and striped silver, and can be determined by the badge on either shoulder.
An Admiral runs an entire fleet of ships. While they still follow whatever orders the Fleet Admiral lays out for them, the Admiral can run the fleet how they see fit. Their color scheme is green, striped orange, and gold, and can be determined by the badge on either shoulder.
Fleet Admiral
The head of the Armored Soul Division. Given all the strict protocols, they are forced into countless meetings about the safety of the division. Their color scheme is striped orange, gold, and silver, and can be determined by the badge on either shoulder.

Table of Contents

Founding Date
2142 EoND
Military, Space navy
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title

Articles under Armored Soul Division

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)
Character flag image: by Amelia Nite (Armoria)


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