
The fae are ancient beings that have been around for a few billion years, and they are one of the first sapients created by the Fates. Tryoh, the fate of arcana, stands as their prominant guardian and purveyor of their arcana. When the fae disappeared from the mortal plane, they escaped into the Ilurat Expanse, where they reside to this day.

Basic Information


The fae usually appear bipedal with two - four arms depending on the court they hail from. A four-armed fae only comes from the warmer seasons, thus Warmpeak and Swelterfall fae were known for looking more exotic than their Sunfade and Witherend fae.   Besides their limbs, fae beings contain horns or scales that appear at random points of the fae's body. These appendages are connected to the fae's arcana. They also have wings that reflect the color of their hair. This appendage can only be used to fly, and not to sprinkle "pixie dust", as told in many traditional fairy tales. Most fae don't even use their wings anymore.

Biological Traits

Regardless of what their skin tones say, a fae's hair, horns, and eyes match their wing colors.   Flower Throne: Fae in this court are usually white or lightly tanned with wings colored like brightly colored flowers. They also stand at 6 feet even between males and females.   Harvest Throne: Fae in this court usually have oranges, yellows, reds, and greens in their skin tones and large vitiligo patterns on their bodies. Their wings have autumn leaf colors. Males stand around 6'5 in height while females are around 6'3".   Meadow Throne: Fae in this court usually have tan, bronze, and black skin tones with barely any noticeable vitiligo patterns. Their wings are usually various greens and yellows. Males are roughly shorter than females, standing at 6'2" and females are at 6'4".   Silver Throne: Fae in this court are mostly blue with a few rare shades of sea-green skin tones thrown in. They also have vitiligo patterns that nearly blend into their skin tones. Their wings are mostly glossy like gemstones and have a white or blue color to it. Sometimes, their wings can be a mixure of blue and white. A male can stand up to 6'7" and a female at 6'3".

Genetics and Reproduction

When fae are created, it is through arcana only. The Familial Convergence spell is used to created a fae child. It acts similar to a womb, glowing orange and the shiloutte of a baby can be seen through its transluscent skin, which is suprisingly strong and near impossible to break without arcana. This spell supports LGBTQIA+ relationships and allows the paired couple to insert whatever type of DNA they would like into the spell. The gestation period lasts for two years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Time runs differently for the fae, such as 5,000 years on Vosov or Earth would only equal out to 1,188 years in the expanse, leaving a fae to look relatively young, mostly in their early thirties.

Ecology and Habitats

Most fae tend to live in climates based upon their arcana. Those from the Witherend land are used to the colder climates and don't freeze as easily, and in return, those from the Sunfade land love the land that is constantly full of cool weather, falling leaves, and full of the smell of pumpkin and squash.   The fae in the Swelterfall land are always seen in large fields and forests, where deer and unicorn roam free, whereas those from the Warmpeak land are only in meadows full of flowers that tower over fifty feet high. Their homes are built like treehouses and weave throughout the flowers by bridges and leafy staircases.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fae are omnivores and can eat fae and human food. However, mortals cannot eat fae food else they wish to never eat mortal food again and starve to death. Fortunately, drinks made by fae hand are okay for mortals to consume.

Biological Cycle

All fae contain either horns or scales, which can be hidden with arcana. Every few years, a fae will shed off their horns or scales to give room for the new ones to grow in. In the end, the new horns or scales are always shiny and tough afterwards, while older ones are more velvety and fleshy.


Fae are peculiar with the people they meet. While they cannot lie, fae can be mischievious and love to tell half-truths so that they are not exactly lying. They do appreciate a good prank, whether they are the one's pranked or pulling the prank themselves.   The fae can also sense who are good, treating them with respect and are far more willing to help out, usually for a price though. People that fluctuate in a gray area are often treated with a neutral attitude, but respect is a must with the fae. They may help if the person is in dire need of help, and as usual, a price must be paid. The horrible people get treated with bluntness and sacrasm at times. The fae are also willing to curse the person for up to the next seven years, or perhaps just punch the bad person in the face.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The queen is considered the highest rank with the king ranked just bellow her, and prince right after. The next rank are the warriors, fit for the toughest of battles. While fae have arcana, they rarely use it anymore, putting their mages just below the warriors. Those who do not participate in battle are the lowest branch, while children are considered dependents and must be protected at all costs.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The fae can be found throughout all of the universe, with most fae residing in the expanse.

Average Intelligence

Fae are highly intelligent, capable of outwiting nearly every species. dragons and elves are the only species close enough combat their level of intellect. Even with the intelligence, they have no use of using it to create technology. All they need is their arcana to travel or battle.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The fae are known for their gifts in all things arcana. While they can use their arcana for extravagant showings, most fae keep their arcana dulled down and use subtle effects to either help someone along or curse someone for being naughty. When a fae uses powerful arcana, their true form is reveal, usually in the form of their eyes, hair, or skin color changing. Four-armed fae always hide their true form while in the mortal plane, aiming to look like a human to pass by without incident, and to keep mortals from trying to hunt them down for selfish reasons.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A fae's true name is hidden from mortals, and usually go by M'Lady or M'Lord. If a fae tells you their real name, it often comes with a curse where you cannot speak, write, and think the name without the fae's permission. Now, gifting a fae a nickname is considered precious and the fae will charish the nickname given to them.

Major Organizations

The Courts
The Courts is the main overarching government that runs the fae lands. It is run by Queen Titania. One can find the Courts capital, Maaldorei.  
Flower Throne
Rebirth and happiness evolve from the Flower Throne, leaving it centered around the season of raincall. These fae are the kindest and most welcoming, though they are known greatly for their pranks. It is run by Queen Faunus.  
Harvest Throne
The Harvest Throne is associated with death and renewal, and connected to the season of auburnspell. Leaves falling, cooler temperatures, and the end of the year are connected back to this court. It is run by Queen Xyila.  
Meadow Throne
The Meadow Throne focuses on the glimmercrest season and the life it brings with it. Power, warmth, and rejuvination are all parts of this court. It is run by Queen Amadahy.  
Silver Throne
Freezing temperatures and snowfall comes from the Silver Throne, associated with icegrasp. The fae are cold and often menacing. Rarely is a fae kind and generous. Sometimes, the court starts a rebellion to turn things back how they once were. It is run by Queen Valindra.

Gender Ideals

Most fae are treated as nonbinary until they decide on what gender they are comfortable with. For the fae that find themselves attracted to the same gender, are not attracted to any gender at all, or vary from anywhere in the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, they are treated with the upmost respect and do not tolerate discrimination of any sort.

Relationship Ideals

Friendships are important to the fae. A friend is someone they can count on. At the same time, they are cautious when making friends as betrayal is easy. Depending on horrible the betrayal is will determine what kind of punishment the fae doles out. Some fae will allow the betrayer to redeem themselves while others will make the betrayer suffer. It is always best to never, ever backstab a fae.
When a fae find a romantic partner, it is for life. The fae are very strict with keeping the relationship going. A fae also is respectful of their partner and willing to do what it takes to make sure their partner is happy. Harming a fae's partner is an active of "war" to them and they'll hunt down the person harming their partner.

Average Technological Level

The fae have no need for modern day technology. All they need is their arcana and they can survive just fine. If they had any technological level, it would be medieval tech, as they tend to live off the land.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The main language of the fae is ezosa. It is considered a lost language in which only the fae can speak it. Mortals are unable to utter a single syllable of a word in Ezosa or face unknown agony. Not even the elves, direct descendants of the fae, cannot speak the language. What is surprising, is that the hybrid can speak it no problem.

Common Dress Code

The fae love to dress as mortals in the mortal realm, and can quickly switch between attire in the blink of an eye. Yet, they'll keep a hint of regalness to their clothing. While in the expanse, the fae keep to formal attire, from dresses and suits, which are themed to their court. Whatver gender the fae is comfortable with decides how they wish to dress to fell more comfortable.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The fae usually don't procreate with other species as to not corrupt the pure bloodlines. In the rare cases that they do, the fae have created the elves by breeding with humans, and if a pureblood fae sleeps with a witch and creating a child, that child is a warlock.

Table of Contents

by GDJ (Pixabay)
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
15,000 Mortal Years
Average Height
6'7" (200.66 cm) - males
6'3" (190.5 cm) - females
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Eye Colors: Amber, Gold, Sunset
Hair Colors: Auburn, Green, Silver
Skin Tones: Whites, Browns, Blues, Oranges, Greens   A four-armed fae usually passes as a human with their skin tones being neutral whites, browns, and blacks, with the darker skin tones usually having some form of vitiligo pattern on them.   Whereas two-armed fae are either green, orange, or blue, with a few shades in between. Some of these fae even have patched skin tones, with orange and blue or green and blue mixed, often in vitiligo patterns of blue and green or blue and orange.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Myths

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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