Fae Blood

Legends about the fae have been around for millennia. Yet, vampires tell the best stories about them, and most of their stories are about the terrors of fae history and culture. There has been a claim that the fae are more manipulative than just using their words. Some vampires have been spreading a rumor that the fae can manipulate their arcana and their blood to twist the effects they have.

Historical Basis

For a long time, it has been known that eating fae food will result in being unable to eat any other food from the material plane. However, drinks are said to be okay. With vampires, blood is food, so what does that entail?


Fae that come to the material plane like to befriend vampires, seeing them as being extremely close to the slow aging that fae. Some vampires only return the friendship due to realizing their fae friend comes with a unique blood that may have arcane properties. These vampires would drink the blood and come up with an excuse to keep other vampires away from their prized blood donors. The excuse was none other than they got violently ill after drinking the blood of a fae and when they tried to drink someone else's blood, their body rejected the blood and forced them to retch it up, starving them.   The rumors spread far and wide across the Omega Leporis Galaxy, causing mass hysteria whenever a fae was seen in the material plane. As the rumors grew, the fae began to close off access to the Ilurat Expanse, citing the dangers mortals.

Cultural Reception

The fae have a deep fear of being used by the vampires and they have hidden away in the Ilurat Expanse, refusing to enter the material plane ever again. They deem the vampires a threat and plan to eradicate them if they ever dare to explore the expanse.   Vampires that spread the rumors only instilled fear into the rest of their people and the other species around them. All it did was confirm that the fae are dangerous creatures to be around. The fae were quickly banned from entering vampire-controlled territories, such as the Abiria Empire.


In the year 2019 EoS, Jack Arric and Kěith Cheonsa were trapped aboard the BLANK SHIP with no chance to escape when Kěith's need to feed on blood came about. Their captors refused to help Kěith get blood and Jack was forced to feed his soulmate. Being a fae, Jack's fear of Kěith becoming addicted to Jack's blood was cause for concern. As Kěith's health declined from lack of food, Jack gave in. He would rather his mate live than him. Using his sharp fangs, he bit his wrist, drawing Kěith's attention. The starving vampire attacked him and fed from Jack until he was satisfied.   Once Kěith's hunger was gone, he realized what he had done and was frightened, filled with guilt, and believing that he had just doomed himself to a lifetime of needing fae blood to survive. He pulled away from Jack, afraid to feed from him ever again. By the time they were rescued, Kěith was pale from starvation. The first time Kěith was offered blood, he tried to refuse but Syus Nightingale wouldn't let him. He made Kěith feed and surprisingly, the mortal blood went down smoothly. Over the next few days, Kěith cautiously drank mortal blood, unsure of the consequences. When nothing happened, he realized that he was free of the so-called fae blood curse.

Table of Contents

by Amelia Nite (CreArt)

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Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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