Shadows that Plague the Light

For as long as the stories of the Eternal Hybrid have been around, there are been legends about him, but nothing like the grand scale of the impending doom of the universe. In the nonfiction book, Myths and Facts of the Celestials written by Meki Lee, there is a legend of the Eternal Hybrid facing off against Rhojun, the Chaotic and his abominations, the baz'e. While the end of everything is said to eventually come true, does the legend actually state where the end of the world has to begin?
I traveled south into the cave, slipping past the slimy vines and narrow pathway along the edge of the walls that threatened to lerch me into the deep, black abyss below. Zeya was further ahead, using the light blade to give us a sense of direction. I finally crossed onto a sturdy platform, my hands trembling. Beside me, Zeya held the blade away from him, casting light along the walls. There seemed to be glowing lines of black and purple leading us further into the cave.   My mind swirled with the possibilities of what we would find. I half expected something scary to jump out at me. A trap. A monster. Anything. But the rest of our walk was uneventful, if not creepy. The path opened up to an oval cavern, murals drawn on the walls. But what stuck out to me was the giant white raven flying overhead a newborn child wrapped in a blanket. The child's face was that of a wolf, eyes glowing like fire. This was it. This is exactly what I had been looking for! A hidden legend of a new celestial, one that I had been dreaming about for quite some time now.
— excerpt from Myths and Facts of the Celestials

The Murals

As Meki described the murals in his book, he said the white raven and the baby depcited the birth of the Eternal Hybrid. On either side of the white raven where spiders, seeming to look as if they were crawling down toward a canyon covered in webbing. Further to the right was a drawing a giant squid surrounded by lightning, while the left depicted another drawing of vicious insects, swarming like a plague. Meki claimed the drawings must have been a depiction of the future, where the Eternal Hybrid would one day face off against the giant squid creaure, which Meki believed to be the baz'e.

Table of Contents

Related Species
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Related Documents
Myths and Facts of the Celestials

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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