Christofer Reichart Character in The Arcturus Subsector | World Anvil
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Christofer Reichart

Marshal of the Proxima Crusade Christofer Reichart

Marshal Reichart, profound in his judgement upon the xenos, this Black Templar is by far one of the most tenacious the chapter has ever seen. This is Reichart's strength and weakness, in his veracious tenacity he has partaken in some... overbearing judgement. This however has not hurt his status with the Black Templars, even those whom join him on his crusades often call his tenacity a gift from the God-Emperor to strike down the darkness in his name.

Reichart had taken witness to the traitors on Vinculus, and was personally there for the crusade. The events that had taken place had left Reichart much more cynical of his peers of the Imperium than before, however this was not to be conflated with his own brothers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Reichart has passed the Rubicon Primaris, along with many of his fellow brethren, after Guilliman's scouts had found them and given them the means to do so.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Reichart was a Sword-Brother by the time he had reached one of his more important Crusades, the Vinculus Crusade, and had personal involvements with many crusades before and after. He quickly rose up from the rank of neophyte all the way to Sword-Brother, and then finally Marshal relatively quickly. He had demonstrated very clearly to all of the High Marshalls before him that he was a man with profound knowledge of combat and an unbreakable will. Despite his numerous personal involvements in battle, Reichart has aged far longer than most Astartes, and is very wise in battle. Reichart personally has fought beside Helbrecht, however since his crusade into the Segmentum Ultima, hasn't had contact with him.

 After the disaster in Vinculus Reichart had finally become a Marshal, and the events there made him realize that he had to reconsider all of his peers in the Imperium, most notably the heroes and Chapter Masters of other Chapters, if an Inquisitor's will could be conquered so easily, he was sure that these other lesser men were not to be trusted. This did not mean that he trusted his Chapter any less however, he was certain of his brother's tenacity and will against the foes of the Warp, and knew that should the need occur the Daemon would have no chance in dominating their will. This revelation has led Reichart to begin documenting how he would handle if another Chapter had succumb to Chaos, and this fervent preparation may even impair his reasoning.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Reichart has personally slain many xenos, but perhaps his most valorous achievement was in the Macharian Crusade, despite still being a simple neophyte, Reichart showed excellent prowess at dispatching the heretics and xenos they encountered, and was a very valuable asset to the crusade. This launched him to the position of Sword Brother almost directly after the crusade. Reichart then went to be a valuable asset to the Vinculus Crusade, before being told to meet with the High Marshal's other force outside of the traitorous hold. This was before the building collapsed and he was evacuated with the rest of his troop.

Failures & Embarrassments

Reichart, despite being one of the Black Templar's most valuable Marshals, has also had his downfalls. At the beginning of his Marshal status, he led an unsuccessful crusade against Tyranid Hivefleets in Segmentum Ultima, this dishonor was heartbreaking as he had lost multiple ships to the onslaught of Tyranids. Mourning his brothers, Reichart had hoped to make a final stand against the Xenos, however another Imperial fleet had arrived from the Warp just in time to save his battlebarge, and deny the Templar of his final stand.


Christofer Reichart

Leader/Friend (Important)

Towards Decimus Ruprecht



Decimus Ruprecht

Subordinate/Friend (Important)

Towards Christofer Reichart




These two met on the Eternal Crusader after both of them had returned from respective Crusades. Both of their experiences in fighting traitor Astartes immediately led the two of them finding that they were troubled to the core by the very notion of it. They had spoke about it countless times and as such when Christofer had declared his Crusade to Proxima, Decimus was one of the first to offer his sword.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both despise the heretic more fervently than other members of the chapter.

A long time veteran for the Black Templars and a current Marshal for the Proxima Crusade, Reichart is Stalwart in his devotion to the God-Emperor, and tenacious nearly to a flaw.

View Character Profile
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
41st Millennium
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly Pale
Owned Vehicles
The God-Emperor of Mankind
Aligned Organization

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