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The Kraken's Embrace

Overview:   Size: Large frigate, 140 feet long with three masts. Flag Symbol: A kraken with tentacles wrapping around a ship, set against a dark green background. Crew: 7 members, including the captain.   Armor Class: 17 (reinforced wooden hull) Hit Points: 350 (Damage Threshold 20) Speed: 35 feet (sailing), 10 feet (rowing) Crew: 7-20 (including captain, sailors, gunners) Cargo Capacity: 15 tons Passenger Capacity: 20 passengers   Helm   Armor Class: 18 Hit Points: 75 Effect: If the helm is destroyed, the ship can no longer be steered.   Armor Class: 12 Hit Points: 150 Speed Reduction: Destroying the sails reduces the ship's sailing speed by half.   Oars (Rowing Option)   Armor Class: 12 Hit Points: 50 (per oar) Effect: If destroyed, rowing becomes impossible.   Hull Damage Threshold (DT 20)   The ship’s hull resists minor damage. Only attacks that deal 20 or more damage affect the ship’s hit points.   Watertight Hold   The cargo hold is secured to avoid water damage unless the ship is critically damaged.     Actions: Movement (Wind Power and Rowing)   The ship moves by the power of its sails or by crew rowing. It can move up to 35 feet per round when sailing or 10 feet per round when rowed by at least 10 crew members.   Ballista (2)   Range: 120/480 feet Damage: 3d10 piercing damage To Hit: +6 Ammunition: Requires 1 action to reload and 1 action to fire.   Mangonel (1)   Range: 200/800 feet Damage: 5d10 bludgeoning damage To Hit: +5 Ammunition: Requires 1 action to load and 1 action to fire.   Cannons (4 Total, 2 per side)   Range: 600/2,400 feet Damage: 6d10 bludgeoning damage To Hit: +5 Ammunition: Requires 3 actions: 1 to load, 1 to aim, and 1 to fire.   Ramming Attack   As an action, The Kraken's Embrace can attempt to ram another vessel. It must move at least 20 feet in a straight line. On a successful hit, it deals 6d10 bludgeoning damage. The crew must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.   Boarding Action   When The Kraken's Embrace is within 10 feet of another ship, characters aboard may attempt to board the other vessel by making Dexterity (Acrobatics or Athletics) checks.


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