The Elnorians

Prior to the invasion by Earth, the Elnorians were the most powerful race across Otherworld. Under the rulership of the enigmatic High King Gabriel, the Elnorians were able to conquer the disparate peoples of Otherworld with their formidable armies and magic, bringing order and stability in the aftermath of the Cataclysm that for a thousand years had allowed darkness and chaos to reign. For fifty years the Elnorians were dominant, unrivaled in power and influence.

Then the Earth Invasion happened and within five years, the Elnorians were toppled and decimated in number with perhaps only a hundred of their people escaping. Two centuries later and the occupying forces of the Earth Commonwealth have worked hard to paint the Elnorians as cruel oppressors, devotees of dark magics and foul rituals. They were Dragon Lords closer to their draconic beasts than mortals and servants of evil Gods. The High King was a tyrant whose magical supremacy came from blood sacrifice and by whose hand hundreds of thousands of people, human and otherwise, had perished.

So thorough is this version of history, and so great was the destruction that ensued during the invasion and subsequent fall, that most people believe it. Yet, as so is often the case history is written by the victors and the Commonwealth were most definitely that. The aural histories of the Orcs who still keep alive their old way of life tell a different tale, as do that of the Unbroken Giant Clans of Northern Avalon. And those Dragons who have escaped the cruel poaching trade still remember their old masters well. The secretive Dwarger in their subterranean cities keep records of the Elnorians that tell of bonds forged and honours bestowed. And the mysterious Tuatha, distant cousins to the Elnorians, patiently wait to take their vengeance upon the slayers of their kin.

The Elnorians that remain are a broken, scattered people, dwindling in number and largely ignorant of their former glory. They keep their heritage secret, fearing that the Commonwealth would finish that which it began two hundred years ago. Long lived though they are, they are a people on the decline and those who fought the invaders and knew of their great Empire have mostly passed. What few of those elders that do endure are secretive, hiding in the wild places or under the very noses of their conquerors, keeping the last remaining vestiges of Empire alive and awaiting the day when their High King or his successor rise to lead the oppressed people of Otherworld against the Commonwealth and give rise to an ascendant Elnorian Empire.


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