Adelaine Frostwood Character in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Adelaine Frostwood

Born into a family of scholars and explorers, Adelaine grew up surrounded by tales of adventure and discovery. From a young age, she was captivated by the wonders of the world and the mysteries that lay hidden within its depths. After completing her education at the prestigious Nivora Academy, Adelaine embarked on a career as a journalist, eager to share her passion for discovery with the world. She joined The Skyway Dispatch, where her talent for investigative reporting quickly earned her recognition and respect among her peers.   When reports of the mysterious disappearances in the northern regions began to surface and were quickly quashed, Adelaine's curiosity was piqued. Despite orders to focus on other assignments, she became increasingly fixated on unraveling the truth of the mysteries that shrouded the northern fringes of Yrdde.  


Adelaine is tenacious and resourceful, driven by a deep-seated thirst for knowledge and a desire to uncover the truth. She possesses a keen intellect and a sharp eye for detail, making her adept at piecing together clues and unraveling mysteries. Despite her adventurous streak, Adelaine is also pragmatic and level-headed, approaching each investigation with careful planning and meticulous research. She is fiercely independent and unafraid to challenge authority when necessary, determined to pursue the truth at any cost.  

Physical Description

Adelaine is a striking woman in her mid-30s, with an aura of determination and curiosity that shines through her piercing blue eyes. Her shoulder-length chestnut hair is often tied back in a practical bun to keep it out of her face during expeditions. She possesses a lithe and athletic build, a testament to her adventurous spirit and active lifestyle. Adelaine's attire typically consists of durable expedition clothing adorned with various pockets and compartments to hold her tools and equipment. She carries herself with confidence, whether she's navigating treacherous terrain or delving into the heart of a mystery.
Imperial Pantheon
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