Brynn Talisin Character in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Brynn Talisin

Brynn was born to a simple farming family in one of the countless communities that dot the inner Empire. Once she was old enough to work her family's meagre farm, they began to notice that their crops grew faster than their neighbors, and the harvest was always more bountiful. It wasn't long before rumours began to spread, and people began to view her with a curious eye. One day, a strange woman drifted into town, and offered her parents a vast sum for their youngest child. Even with Brynn's strange powers their life was painful and bleak, so they didn't hesitate.   The strange woman took the young girl as her own, teaching her the ways of nature magic as they travelled from village to village. For food and lodging they would bless crops, heal blight, and soothe the wounded. As Brynn came of age she found her powers growing as well, and one day she awoke alone, the strange woman gone without a trace. She continued on alone, using what she had learned to survive.   Several years passed. Tales of her exploits had spread throughout the inner Empire, and one day a group of Imperial Arbiters came in search of her. For the first time in the Empire's history, natural magic would be outlawed. Any mage not wanting to vanish into the Imperial prisons would hand themselves over and join the Arbiters. She fled before they could track her down, spending every coin she'd gathered thus far for a single ticket to the Free States, far away from her home and Imperial persecution.  


Brynn is driven by a profound sense of duty, compelled to employ her magical gifts for the greater good. Her kindness extends to all living beings, as her connection to nature has shown her the equal value of all. She has seen some of the worst the world has to offer, but she does not falter in her beliefs.  

Physical Description

Brynn, a nature mage, is a captivating figure adorned in flowing robes and glittering jewelry, attire that once belonged to the mysterious woman who trained her. Vibrant green eyes, shimmering with magical energy, are a reflection of her deep connection to nature. Her dark hair cascades down her shoulders in waves, mirroring the untamed beauty of the landscapes she cherishes. Delicate rings made of vines and leaves often entwine with her fingers, echoing the symbiotic bond she shares with the environment.
Nature Mage
Imperial Pantheon
Aligned Organization
made in midjourney


Author's Notes

"A reaction of this magnitude has never-" I closed the comms and flipped the arming switches. Through the glass, countless lives slept. I caught a flicker of my reflection, eyes wide and wild. Hand shaking, I pressed the button. Everything flashed white.

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