Eira Oaksprout Character in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Eira Oaksprout

Born and raised in the secluded dwarven lands of eastern Yrdde, Eira always felt a restless longing to explore the world beyond her homeland's confines. Blessed with an innate talent for mechanics and engineering, she apprenticed under the master craftsmen of her clan, honing her skills in crafting and repairing intricate machinery. One day while working in her family's shop she encountered a rare sight. A human expedition had stumbled into dwarven territory, half dead and desperate for aid. In return for the strange magitech gear these Imperial scouts carried, they were given the supplies and aid neccessary to return to human territory without losing any more of their number. Eira was spellbound by these strange creatures and their stories of great flying machines and the endless horizon, and nothing her family could say was going to stop her from experiencing these things herself.  


Eira is a determined and resourceful individual, and possesses a curiosity and adventurous spirit far more intense than is normal amonst her people. Despite her knack for breaking magitech with her touch and innate inability to understand magic, she remains undeterred, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. She often finding creative solutions to the obstacles she encounters, obstacles often created by her own boundless curiosity. Beneath her confident exterior, she harbors a deep sense of loyalty to those she cares about, willing to go to great lengths to protect them.  

Physical Description

Eira stands at a stout four feet tall, with a sturdy build and muscular arms that is average among her people. Her skin has a warm, earthy tone, complemented by an untamed mane of brown hair that falls in unruly waves around her face. Eira's most distinctive features (to humans at least) are the pair of rugged bone horns protruding from her forehead.
Ship Mechanic
Aligned Organization
made in midjourney


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