Emberwood Settlement in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Emberwood's origins trace back to a group of families who fled the encroaching influence of the Empire, seeking refuge in the Free States and a simpler way of life. Establishing a small community upon an island that had somehow gone unnoticed by both Imperial and Free State scouts, they vowed to live in harmony with the land they'd been so lucky to find. They named their settlement Emberwood, a tribute to the warm hues of the setting sun that painted the surrounding forest in fiery shades each evening.   Over generations, the town grew organically, expanding outward from the original settlement. The residents maintained their connection to nature, incorporating it into their daily lives and their architecture. They developed unique building techniques, using locally sourced timber and cultivating living roofs that blended seamlessly with the landscape.   At a glance, Emberwood doesn't seem to have anything truely unique to set itself apart from the countless towns scattered throughout Yrdde. However, the island itself holds mysteries that have yet to be uncovered.  

Locations of Note

The Greenhearth

The Greenhearth is the heart of Emberwood. It is a sprawling, multi-level structure with a roof that seems to cascade down its walls, a vibrant tapestry of moss, flowers, and creeping vines. A warm, inviting glow emanates from its windows, beckoning weary travelers and locals alike to gather around its hearth.   Inside, the air is thick with the scent of woodsmoke, freshly baked bread, and hearty stew. Laughter and conversation fill the common room, where locals share stories and news, while travelers swap tales of their adventures. The innkeeper, a jovial woman with a quick wit and a warm smile, welcomes all with open arms, offering a hearty meal and a comfortable bed.   A small Hunter's Guild desk sits in one corner, gathering dust. The occasional hunter does pass through from time to time, though typically only long enough to wow the locals with stories of hunts and to refill their supplies.  

Willowbend Market

Located in a spacious clearing near the center of town, The Willowbend Market is a vibrant hub of local trade and craftsmanship. Beneath the shade of a massive weeping willow, artisans and farmers gather to display their wares, their stalls overflowing with colorful textiles, handcrafted tools, fresh produce, and fragrant herbs.   The air is alive with the chatter of bartering, the laughter of children chasing butterflies, and the gentle strumming of a lute player entertaining the crowds. On festival days, the market transforms into a lively celebration, with music, dancing, and feasting. It's a time for the community to come together, to strengthen their bonds, and to express their gratitude for the abundance that surrounds them.  

The Skywatch Tower

Perched atop the highest point on the island, overlooking the town and the surrounding sea, stands The Skywatch Tower. Built from solid stone, it was already an ancient structure when the first of Emberwood's settlers set foot upon the island. A great hatch lies at the base of the tower, its door made of a strange glittering metal, and as of yet no one has managed to unseal it.   A dedicated group of volunteers use the tower to keep a watchful eye on the horizon, scanning for approaching storms, potential threats, or the arrival of visitors. Using a system of flags, they communicate with the town below, ensuring that Emberwood remains informed. Armed with little more than axes and bows, their defences have yet to be tested.
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