The Free States Organization in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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The Free States

The Free States are a group of independent colonies that have successfully carved out a realm independent of the Tervalkyre Empire's dominion. Founded by pioneers and settlers who sought a life beyond imperial rule, these states have flourished in the vacuum left by the Empire's struggles with internal conflicts and external threats. United by a commitment to autonomy and cooperation, the Free States have consolidated their strength, creating a formidable collective capable of withstanding imperial incursions.   Despite the potential for conflict, a delicate balance has been maintained between the Free States and the Empire. The Free States' ability to secure their borders against piracy and external threats has granted them a degree of leverage, dissuading the Empire from attempting any serious military intervention. This balance has facilitated open trade between the Free States, Sanctum, and the Empire, creating a complex web of economic interdependence.   While the Free States value their independence, they are not overtly hostile to either major power. Pragmatic in their approach, they engage in diplomacy and trade with both the Empire and Sanctum, ensuring that their territories remain prosperous and well-defended. The Free States have pooled their resources to establish a formidable mercenary force. This joint defense initiative safeguards trade routes and defends against external threats.  


Each territory or region has a significant degree of autonomy in governing its own affairs. At the national level, there is a central council composed of representatives from each territory, who convene to discuss matters of mutual interest, coordinate policies, and resolve disputes. This council may also oversee matters such as trade agreements, defense cooperation, and infrastructure development that benefit the entire federation.   Each individual territory within the Free States has its own government, which may vary in structure and form depending on local customs, traditions, and needs. Some territories may have elected governors or councils, while others may operate under different systems such as direct democracy or tribal leadership.  


As a collection of autonomous territories, each with its own traditions, customs, and values, the Free States foster a sense of local pride and identity while also celebrating their shared heritage. Citizens value their rights to self-governance, free speech, and personal autonomy, and are generally committed to protecting these freedoms against outside interference or oppression.   People from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and walks of life coexist, their festivals, cultural events, and artistic expressions intermingling. Some communities on the fringes of Free States territories can be insular, but as open borders are a primary requirement of joining the Free States, they still begrudgingly accept foreigners.  


While there is no official state religion, the Free States are home to a wide array of spiritual beliefs, traditions, and practices. Many communities honor local deities or nature spirits, offering prayers and rituals to ensure harmony with the land and its inhabitants. Others practice a form of ancestor worship, where reverence is paid to deceased family members and esteemed ancestors as guardians and guides. Ancestor altars and rituals are common in households, and ancestral lineage is considered a source of pride and identity.   The Free States are also home to followers of both the Imperial Pantheon and the Sleeping Saviour. Minor squabbles are common and expected, but larger conflicts between the various faiths are immediatly shut down by the mercenary police force.  


As autonomous regions with their own economies and resources, the Free States engage in a wide range of trade activities, both within their borders and with external partners. One of the key features of Free States trade is its emphasis on local production and craftsmanship. Each region specializes in certain industries or products, ranging from agricultural goods like grains, fruits, and livestock to manufactured goods such as textiles, tools, and machinery. Artisans and craftsmen thrive in the Free States, producing high-quality goods that are valued both domestically and abroad.   In addition to domestic trade, the Free States also engage in international commerce, trading with neighboring territories, independent city-states, and even distant lands across the sky-sea. In the many sky-ports across the States goods from all corners of the world are bought, sold, and exchanged. Despite the challenges posed by the Empire's dominance and occasional conflicts with rival factions, the Free States remain resilient and adaptable, leveraging their autonomy to outmanouver their rivals from the other factions.  


The heart of the Free States' military defense are community militias, composed of citizen volunteers who undergo basic training in combat and defense tactics. These militias are responsible for safeguarding their local communities and responding to threats or emergencies, ranging from bandit raids to natural disasters.   The Free States also employ a fleet of mercenary airships for aerial reconnaissance, transportation, and defense. While they aren't as technologically advanced as the Imperial navy, the mercenary fleet has far more vessels and are typically more experienced. They are untested in actual war though, and it can be difficult to coerce the various mercenary captains into working together under a single leader.   Nivora, though a neutral party in all conflicts so far, harbors hundreds of highly trained engineers and mages of every variety. Though they've never intervened in minor skirmishes against the other powers, it is reasonable to assume that if the Free States were ever in true danger Nivora would bring their considerable might to bear.  
"You can do nearly everything in the Free States. I've slept in beds fit for Emperors and woken up in gutters that rats wouldn't be caught dead in. There isn't much your average Freestater can't be, for good or for ill. A little tip for hopeful tourists: most fine establishments have a strict dress code. Bring a sword. If you can't afford a sword, bring a big stick. Also you'll probably see other patrons more endowed in the fur, tail, or horn departments. Don't stare, it's impolite." - E Dawnstrider
Alliance, Generic
Freelander, Freestater
Controlled Territories
made in midjourney

Free State Mercenary


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