Emerald Perch Settlement in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Emerald Perch

Emerald Perch is a small settlement on the southern frontiers of the Empire, built upon a massive jagged rock that juts out across the Sapphire Basin . At its peak, a small community has taken root, its inhabitants eking out a living through the bounties of the ocean below and the cultivation of unique herbs that cling to the rocky surface. Life on the spire is harsh and unforgiving, but the resilient residents have adapted, forming a tight-knit community. Strange metal structures jut out from the rock surface, most in the shape of hollowed out boxes. No one knows what these structures were once built for, but they have been repurposed into homes and warehouses.   Despite its remote location, adventurers and Imperial scholars are a common sight in its vicinity. They do not make the difficult journey to take in the sights or experience the abundant fishing, instead they are drawn by what lies beneath the rock spire itself. Nestled at the base of the towering pillar lies a gaping cave mouth, leading deep into the darkness below. Within the cavern's depths lies a solid metal door which has sat sealed for centuries.   Ever since its discovery, archaeologists and treasure hunters have been drawn to Emerald Perch in search of the secrets hidden behind the impenetrable barrier. Despite countless attempts to breach the door, it remains resolutely sealed. Even cutting edge Imperial weaponry, powerful enough to risk the structural integrity of the rock, has failed to even scratch its surface. Speculation abounds regarding the contents of the bunker beyond, with tales of untold riches, advanced technology, and long-forgotten secrets fueling the imaginations of those who dare to dream of what lies beyond the threshold.
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