The Tervalkyre Empire Organization in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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The Tervalkyre Empire

The Tervalkyre Empire, often simply referred to as the Empire, is a vast and imposing dominion that spans the eastern continent of Yrrde. Once the supreme ruler of humanity, their power has begun to wane over the past few centuries. While the Empire still contains territories spanning more than half the known world, the passage of time has seen the settlements at their frontiers slowly drift away from their control.   After a brief but bloody civil war, the cities of The Sanctum Alliance secured their independence, something that many in the Empire have yet to come to terms with. With the previous Emperor slain in battle, his chosen heir has signed a shaky treaty with the Alliance and begun a swift and merciless reform of the Imperial government.  


At the apex of the empire's power sits the Emperor, a figure of absolute authority with complete power over every citizen of the empire. All legislation passes through him, as he has the final say in all laws and decrees. In practice, however, the day-to-day operations of the empire often passes without notice. The degree to which the Emperor involves himself varies between rulers, and many have opted to focus entirely on diplomatic and military affairs.   Directly below the Emperor is the Council, a board made up of the five most powerful corporations in the empire. The board oversees economic regulations, resource management, public services, and even law enforcement. Each corporation has their own private police forces who often act with more autonomy than the imperial military itself.   Aethertech Industries
Specializes in Magitech and other military technologies. Has control over much of the empire's technological development and infrastructure.
Skyway Consortium
Manages airship development and production. Maintains and protects sky-way trade lanes. Essential for the empire's economy and connectivity.
Veridian Group
Researches magic and magitech use in agriculture. Handles food production and distribution within the empire.
Ironclad Security
A private military group that handles security for wealthy families and private enterprises.
Nexum Pharmaceuticals
Controls medical research and healthcare within the empire. Dedicated to researching the medical applications of magic and magitech.


The Empire is structured around a rigid social hierarchy, with the Emperor at the pinnacle of power. Military prowess and discipline are highly esteemed in the Empire. The Imperial Navy plays crucial roles in maintaining order, defending the borders, and projecting the Empire's power across Yrdde. Military service is seen as honorable, and veterans are respected members of society.   The Empire promotes a sense of unity and cohesion among its diverse population by encouraging cultural assimilation. Imperial culture, customs, and language are propagated throughout the territories, fostering a sense of shared identity among its subjects.   While birthright and social status are important in Imperial society, meritocracy also plays a role. The Empire values education and intellectual pursuits, providing opportunities for talented individuals to rise through the ranks based on their skills and achievements.   The farther from the Imperial capital a territory is, the less closely they tend to follow Imperial rule. At the fringes of Imperial land, the Emperor is more a mythical figure than a living man. Chimera are more tolerated, and the worship of minor gods and non-standard traditions are common. Still, open resistance to Imperial control is quickly quashed, lest they risk a visit from an Arbiter.  


Central to Tervalkyrian religious practice is the veneration of a pantheon of gods and goddesses, each representing different aspects of the natural world, human virtues, and celestial phenomena. These deities are often depicted in elaborate temples and shrines, where priests and priestesses conduct rituals, offer prayers, and perform sacrifices on behalf of the empire. The highest deity in the Tervalkyrian pantheon is known as the Emperor Eternal, a once mortal man who is believed to reign supreme over all other gods and goddesses.   In addition to the worship of celestial beings, Tervalkyrian religion also incorporates elements of ancestor veneration, with reverence for deceased rulers and noble ancestors who are believed to intercede on behalf of the living. Ancestral spirits are honored through rituals, offerings, and commemorations, ensuring their continued influence and protection over the empire.   The Tervalkyrian clergy, composed of priests, priestesses, and oracles, play a crucial role in upholding religious traditions and maintaining spiritual order within the empire. They serve as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the divine, interpreting omens, prophecies, and signs from the gods to guide the decisions of the emperor and his court.  


The Imperial military comprises several branches, including the Imperial Army, the Imperial Navy, and specialized units such as the Corsairs.   The Imperial Army consists of ground forces, including infantry, cavalry, and siege units. It is responsible for maintaining control within the Empire's territories, quelling unrest, and engaging in land-based warfare.   The Imperial Navy is responsible for patrolling the sky-sea, protecting trade routes, and conducting airborne operations against enemies of the Empire.   Corsairs are elite, highly trained soldiers who operate specialized single-crew combat airships. They are tasked with carrying out covert missions, sabotage, and counter-insurgency operations.   Imperial Arbiters are agents of the Emperor tasked with upholding the law, dispensing justice, and maintaining order throughout the Empire. They serve as judges, investigators, and enforcers of Imperial decrees, ensuring that laws are obeyed and that dissent is swiftly dealt with. They are typically highly trained individuals with expertise in law, investigation, and combat. They often operate independently or in small teams, traveling across the Empire to carry out their duties. Most carry magitech gear that is worth more than an entire civilian airship.  


The Empire prioritizes trade with its own territories and imposes tariffs on imports from foreign lands. Major ports like Skyepoint serve as hubs for international trade. Large-scale farms and factories producing goods to meet domestic demand and for export. In the heart of Imperial territory there are a number of towns and cities that are famous for their highly sought-after exports, such as the winemaking families of Vinecrest.  
"You can never trust a Valkan. Short tempered, close fisted, and arrogant to a man. At least that's what people outside the Empire say. As far as I'm concerned, everyone's messed up in their own unique ways. Your average 'valke might talk your ear off about how great their beloved Emperor is, but they do make the best wine in the civilized half of the world. So, make sure you have a couple glasses before you start a casual conversation at the local pub." - E Dawnstrider
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
'valke, The Empire
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Imperial Silvers are the official currency of the Empire and the de facto currency of the civilized world. Minted from silver, they bear the portrait of the current emperor.
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
made in midjourney

Arbiter Agent


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