Ezra Frostfur Character in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Ezra Frostfur

Ezra's origins trace back to a well established Wolf-Chimera clan. As a child he was fond of sneaking into the nearby human settlements, something that often led to fights with the gangs of local human children. After one too many fights, the local leaders banded together and forced the Chimera clan to exile Ezra, who refused to apologise for his actions. What followed were years spent navigating the vast and unforgiving wilderness alone. These solitary years honed his survival skills, transforming him into an adept hunter and tracker.   He found his calling as a bounty hunter and lawbringer, using his imposing appearance and raw physical strength to protect the human communities on his home island, a place that had long been abandoned by the Empire. Eventually his zealous actions would catch up to him, and after hunting down the son of an Imperial senator he was branded an enemy of the Empire, complete with a hefty bounty on his head. Fearing that the humans he'd spent so much time protecting would turn on him, he left his home behind to seek out a new even more distant land to aid.  


Ezra's demeanor is a blend of pride and stoicism, shaped by the challenges of a life spent surviving in the untamed wilderness. Though initially reserved, his loyalty is unwavering, particularly to those who treat him with kindness. He exudes an aura of resilience, and while guarded, he warms up to those who prove themselves trustworthy.  

Physical Description

Ezra, a Pure Wolf Chimera, carries an undeniable air of untamed ferocity in his appearance. His fur is a mix of light blue and white, a rarity in wolf chimera clans. Well-defined muscles ripple beneath his lupine coat, and sharp, yellow eyes hold a watchful intelligence. He often dons practical and rugged attire, a testament to a life spent navigating the wilds.
Bounty Hunter
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue and white fur.
Imperial Pantheon
Aligned Organization


Author's Notes

They were afraid. No point in hiding it any longer. I held my rifle over my head and roared until my voice failed. Everyone dies. I would fall with the taste of their blood in my mouth.

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