Felis Silkpaw Character in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Felis Silkpaw

Felis spent his formative years traveling the skies aboard his family's merchant airship. From a young age, he was exposed to the intricacies of trade and commerce, learning the art of negotiation and haggling from his parents and elder relatives. As his family's airship traversed the vast expanse of the Sky-sea, Felis developed a keen understanding of the ebb and flow of the market, honing his skills as a trader and smuggler. When his parents retired from the family business and settled in Sanctum, Felis took up the mantle of captaincy, determined to carry on his family legacy. With his natural charisma, talent for negotiation, and willingness to skirt the boundaries of legality, Felis quickly made a name for himself as a successful merchant and smuggler, carving out a niche for himself in the cutthroat world of Yrrde's skyways.  


Felis is a charismatic and cunning individual, possessing a natural charm and wit that endears him to those around him. He exudes an air of confidence and self-assurance, capable of navigating the complexities of trade and negotiation with ease. Despite his roguish exterior, Felis harbors a strong sense of loyalty to his family and those he considers friends, willing to go to great lengths to protect and support them. He possesses a shrewd business acumen, always on the lookout for profitable opportunities and willing to take calculated risks to achieve his goals.  

Physical Appearance

Felis possesses the distinctive features of a cat half-chimera, with a blend of human and feline traits. His stature is tall and lean, with a lithe and agile build that reflects his nomadic upbringing. His hair is a rich shade of purple, often tousled and windswept from his time spent traveling the skies. Felis's eyes are a piercing amber, framed by thick lashes and accentuated by the slitted pupils characteristic of his feline ancestry.
Imperial Pantheon
made in midjourney


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