Kaida Silkpaw Character in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Kaida Silkpaw

Kaida hails from a secluded clan of Chimeras, a community that sought refuge from the wary gazes and prejudice of the majority human population. Raised in the embrace of her Chimera kin, Kaida's early years were filled with a sense of belonging and shared experiences. However, as she matured, an insatiable curiosity stirred within her—a yearning to explore beyond the familiar boundaries of her secluded home. She explored every inch of her home island, discovering secrets that had laid dormant for thousands of years, but her desire for adventure was insatiable.   Not long after she came of age, an Imperial scouting expedition made landfall upon her family's home, finding it suitable for a resupply depot. Her kin were driven from their homes and forced to find another. Kaida refused to follow, instead hiding herself aboard an Imperial trade vessel. She has wandered aimlessly ever since, forever in search of adventure and a home that cannot be taken from her.  

Physical Description

Kaida's sharp, amber eyes possess an otherworldly intelligence, and her feline ears twitch with an ever-alert curiosity. She wears simple leather traveling gear, as well as several small daggers for protection. Knowing that she may be required to flee at a moment's notice, she rarely carries any other personal belongings. If there's anything she ever needs, she knows she's more than able to steal it.  


Independent and resilient, Kaida possesses a strong sense of self forged in the crucible of discrimination and misunderstanding faced by her kind. Though initially reserved, her heart is warmed by genuine kindness, and she forms deep connections with those who treat her with respect. Loyalty is a cornerstone of Kaida's character; once earned, it is unwavering. Beneath the surface of her stoic exterior, a playful and curious spirit emerges, especially in moments of camaraderie with her chosen family.
Ship Gunner
Long and messily cut.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned skin, Dark Grey Hair and Cat Ears
Imperial Pantheon
Aligned Organization
made in midjourney


Author's Notes

A flash of glittering steel in the dark. They fell silently, but the voice in their heads screamed an alarm. Bodies fell in the gateway, piling higher and higher. My muscles ached, my blades blunt. I cast a glance over my shoulder, and the world lit up.

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